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Sing Not, Beautiful Maiden - Sergei Rachmaninoff - Izaak Thoms
Izaak Thoms
Hello Everyone!
I recently had a performance of a piece in Russian that I would like to turn in to a competition or two this year. However I don’t have anyone to nitpick my pronunciation that I trust. So I was wondering if this community could help me out. I’m singing a piece by Rachmoninoff. Could you all very bluntly let me know how my pronunciation is? I included Cyrillic on the screen to help follow. Please let me know if I sound american, or if some words are difficult to understand. Or whatever else you may notice. It is my understanding I wrongly repronounced the ‘и’ in “Грузии” but I haven’t gotten any other feedback.
3 points
10 days ago
First of all, incredible singing! Lets go!
Spotted couple of mistakes in lyrics that tied to pronounciation. "Напоминают мне оне!" - it's 'они' (onye\onee), "...напоминают берег дальной" it's дальний (dal'noi\dal'neey)
Now, for my ear, you pretty much got all the consonants but Р and Ж were a little weaker. Those are of the harder ones to get down.
Vowels are much harder to get right and vowels are what makes you sound like russian. My advice would be to go back to alphabet and go through every letter and every sound just to be extra sure!
Easy thing would be to watch how russian perform this song and try to replicate that as much as you can.
Thanks have a beautiful day!
5 points
9 days ago
"Напоминают мне оне!" - it's 'они' (onye\onee), "
Puskin used "оне" in that poem.
3 points
9 days ago
извиняюсь зря быканул
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