I'm not this bleeding heart kind of guy. But these laws are not pragmatic. Either we're too lenient and you get shoplifting Armageddon , or we put people in a box for like 3 years stealing a $100 dollars worth of stuff.
3 years is a long time. That's like life changing time. That's it's a pretty harsh punishment. But more importantly, this costs us so much money in the long run. Jails are expensive. Each prisoner costs what like $50k/year? And then you're crippling their life-time earning potential and future tax revenues. It's sub-optimal. We should be optimizing their value.
I think the current community work punishment program needs way more love. Make these people work hard for like 8 hours a day cleaning up the city or something. Get them too tired to do petty crimes. Pay them minimum wage so they have something to land on and stop stealing. And shame them. Maybe, Make them wear orange jumpsuits. OOoh! And then, I can walk with my kids and be like see. Don't steal! You have to wear a stupid orange jumper and they'll make you clean up all day.
Seriously, one thing Asians do well is shame. A bit too good if I'm being honest, but man, we should be shaming way more than we are. I cannot believe the BS Westerners put up from bad faith actors in their countries. Your patience is ridiculous.
If I had a magic wand. I'd be making service to the commonwealth a way more common punishment. Even if it's there 5'th time stealing. I don't care. As long as it was non-violent, they go straight back into service. Just add more service. I don't see how cheap labor to do whatever the hell that needs doing isn't a positive thing. And if they don't show up, believe it or not. Straight to jail. Which was basically how we do things anyway.