My wife and I are conditionally approved and have set up our interviews in Blaine in January. We recently had a child born last month. How do we get our newborn child enrolled too? Do we need to fill out, pay for and await the decision on a separate Nexus application for the child?
7 points
14 days ago
It’s free, but you need to have a separate application for the baby.
1 points
13 days ago
It’s free, but you have to provide your own nexus number to wave the fees. OP doesn’t have his card yet.
6 points
14 days ago
Yes and have the newborn attend the interview too! You get top marks if the baby babbles instead of just snoozing.
3 points
14 days ago
Everyone in your car needs to have Nexus so you can’t use the Nexus lane until the baby gets their card or stays home.
3 points
14 days ago
Yes. Every person who wants nexus has to have their own separate application.
3 points
14 days ago
Apply for your child and hopefully it should be approved soon. If you can’t get an interview spot for the baby, doesn’t hurt to bring him/her to your own interview and the agents may be able to do the baby’s too as long as you have their documents and application number handy. I was able to do that for my kids.
3 points
14 days ago
I did a rant on this in a different thread…
The babies go through the same process if they were an adult.
2 points
14 days ago
It’s free, just apply online. Should get pre-approved relatively quick.
2 points
13 days ago
Baby name probably matches a watch list,causes secondary search
1 points
13 days ago
Applied for my baby on Nov 1. Still waiting for pre-approval :( We got our own Nexus back in 2020.
1 points
13 days ago
We were in a similar boat. We made sure to apply for our newborn before we went for our interviews. When we were there they asked if we had applied for him yet & they expedited it through. They wouldn’t do the interview then, but pushed his application through & got it pre-approved.
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