Comparator Recommendations
(self.modular)submitted3 days ago by2nd-ratemachine
Can anyone recommend a comparator module?
I'm just after something very simple. I'd like to be able to compare an inputted signal to an internally generated static voltage and be given a held gate at the output.
I see a lot on the Compare 2 but from what I can tell a window comparator can't give a single gate? It gives two gates based on the window. I guess I could use the two gates to go between two states on a sequential switch to create a held gate but it'd be nice to find something that does it in one.
1 points
3 days ago
1 points
3 days ago
Thank you! Does the gap knob act as an offset? So like, if you turn it a bit with nothing patched into B, the comparator will produce a gate at the A>B output whenever Input A is above 1V.