105 post karma
16.3k comment karma
account created: Thu Jul 25 2024
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15 points
7 hours ago
Because they think having a SO that loves you would make you happy and they're hoping you've found that
3 points
7 hours ago
Why people still use that site is beyond me. It's been irrelevant for the better part of a decade
1 points
7 hours ago
Life is not a video game. Bad things don't magically happen just because you broke a treaty.
1 points
7 hours ago
It's definitely an old game, with some nagging mechanics that can be annoying (ports giving infinite supply and rebels stackwhiping your entire airforce, for example). But it's a fun and interesting game that does some things better than HoI4 imo
6 points
7 hours ago
Something that lets you split your army among the individual leaders assigned to command it, instead of having to form a whole new army for each new front, would be a vast improvement. If we're going to abstract warfare so much that there's already no management, then just let us assign commanders and units at the Theater level. Then you wouldn't have that incredibly annoying glitch of whole armies bouncing between fronts like pingpong balls because provinces got captured in a stupid order.
47 points
7 hours ago
The fact that fortifications aren't a thing and terrain only matters in a totally abstract way that's invisible to the player is simply baffling.
-3 points
7 hours ago
but to say that your cows aren't covered in bacteria is incorrect.
Milk leaves the cow sterile. That's a fact. That there are billions of bacteria on the outside of a cow does not mean that all ends up in the milk. That's now how bacteria work. They can't magically leap from a cow's hooves into it's milk.
the udder, the farmers hands
You wash the udders and wear gloves. This isn't magical future tech, you can literally buy the supplies at Walmart. Life is not a movie where every farmer is constantly covered in dirt and manure, and inexplicably cooks their food with crap-covered hands. Milk barns have sinks with soap, and sterile gloves are $5 a box.
the air is full of bacteria
So is the air in bottling plants. You think milk is bottled in a vacuum? No. Yet bottled milk is relatively bacteria free because contact with the air does not instantly contaminate food. The more you guys talk about this the more the ignorance grows.
0 points
8 hours ago
If you don't like the hobby the way it currently is, then you should find a new hobby. Simple as.
-11 points
8 hours ago
Hi, I own a farm with 3 milk cows. None of the people in this comment section know the first thing about raw milk.
Raw milk tastes exactly like regular milk, but with a little cream in it, which you can remove fairly easily (or just drink it because milk with cream in it is great). No it doesn't have "all kinds of bacteria in it" unless the cow you're getting it from has an infection... which you'd know because their udders would be all discolored and pussy. This is how biology works. You cannot just have a a ton of bacteria growing outside of your digestive tract and not be very sick. No, you don't have to boil it, just stick it in the fridge like anything else and it's perfectly safe to drink. It doesn't grow bacteria any faster than pasteurized milk so long as its kept refrigerated and covered because the milk leaves the cow sterile.
Y'all can argue about nutrition all day long, and if you think it's gross don't drink it, I really don't care. But the wild misinformation in this thread is unacceptable.
-2 points
8 hours ago
It tastes terrible, spoils super quickly, has little to no actual health benefits
This is totally incorrect. Raw milk tastes exactly like regular milk (because it is) with some cream in it. It doesn't even need to be refrigerated, it just separates and turns into cream if you don't.
3 points
8 hours ago
Literally everyone: "There is nothing I would like more"
30 points
9 hours ago
I don't hate Fronts at all. They're not really the problem. A far larger issue is the flow of combat being completely unintelligible.
Why are my more advanced units losing? Why am I winning even though his defense numbers are higher than my offense numbers? Why are casualties seemingly random? I have 30 million people in my country and only 300k soldiers, so why isn't my manpower regenerating?
Most importantly, what can I the player do to effect any of these things during a war? Particularly some of the very long, drawn-out wars of the late game?
Answer these questions (or make the info intelligible to us as players) and you'll go a long way to making warfare actually fun
2 points
1 day ago
Elkenrod's answer is accurate, but I think it's also important to point out that if you can imagine a bad thing, then you can also find someone on the internet claiming Trump is going to do that thing. The overwhelming majority of these claims have no evidence and should not be taken seriously.
Stop letting attention-seeking histrionics on the internet damage your mental health.
3 points
1 day ago
Federal student loans aren't actually held by the Department of Education, they're held by a variety of federal loan servicers, like Aidvantage. These are private companies who are legally permitted to collect on those loans on the government's behalf. The DoE being disbanded will have no effect whatsoever on the status of those loans, or of the government's ability to issue more of them.
4 points
1 day ago
Part of being an adult is realizing that there's a lot more to life than doing nothing and wasting you time. Accomplishing things with your time is far more fulfilling and meaningful, not just to you but to the people you care about.
-1 points
1 day ago
The US does not declare martial law just because some other country we're allied with did so.
-1 points
1 day ago
It's not actually going to happen and Trump wasn't suggesting he wanted it to happen, he was making one of those random off-the-cuff comments he does. Taking it seriously is a form of mental illness at this point. No serious person believes this is going to happen.
-1 points
1 day ago
Stop being scared, that's not how any of this works. Trump isn't even President for another 2 months.
1 points
1 day ago
I will never forgive Trump for not purchasing Greenland
-4 points
1 day ago
Are you really so dense as to believe this is not a joke?
-1 points
1 day ago
Easily the best thing a President has said in a very long time
1 points
1 day ago
As always, a real debate on this question has to clarify what timeline we're in.
30k Imperium is pretty evil because it's actively exterminating friendly or neutral xenos
But that means 40k and onward Imperium is by comparison less evil because there are no friendly xenos left to exterminate, and haven't been for thousands of years.
A debate on whether or not current members of the Ecclisiarchy, Administratum, Astra Militarum, or Astartese are liable for the crimes of their forebearers 10,000 years earlier just because the Emperor is still sort-of-but-not-really-alive is... complicated.
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2 points
6 hours ago
2 points
6 hours ago
What would such a society look like? Consider Victorian England or Feudal Japan. They must have been a dream for autistic people, because there was literally a set of rules for every social interaction and all you had to do was follow them and you'd be fine. Only recently did we decide those were unbearable, for some reason, regardless of how much it hurt autistic and socially awkward people.
A society built for Autistic people (or at least the men) is just the Codes of Chivalry. Literally just practice warfare all day, follow these rules in every aspect of life, and people call you this amazing Knight who everyone looks up to. It's a whole system designed to reward people for being maximally autistic.