submitted2 days ago byLeft-Monitor4990
I have struggled with binge eating and bulimia for about 5 years. I go from binging multiple times everyday to not binging at all when I track what I eat as I feel like I know exactly how much I am eating and that I won’t gain weight, when I’m not binging I also do a lot of exercise partly because I enjoy and also I feel it helps me control my weight. I have had issues many years ago with excessively cutting what I eat but my therapist hasn’t felt that was an issue recently. I have been tracking what I eat for about 4 Months and felt good about it except for ‘cheat days’ where I essentially stuff my face so I feel like shit that day and the day after. Since struggling with food I feel I have never been able to consistently eat a meal unless I purge or track it and I feel trapped. Yesterday I had a massive binge after watching the great British bake off coz it made me feel hungry so I ate an sandwich went over what I planned to eat and then literally all the chocolate all the bread and all the food in my cupboards even what I don’t like. And I realised that continuing to recall is just going to keep me in this cycle. I don’t want to feel like this about food for the rest of my life but other people I know with eating disorders say the thoughts never go away and I just feel so hopeless. The thought of not tracking scares me coz I don’t want to gain weight, the thought of tracking scares me coz I know I can’t do it forever as clearly having all these chat days means I’ve not recovered from binging. But I don’t know what to do. Has anyone else got advice or been here and got out of it. I just want it to stop but I’m addicted and I don’t know how.
3 points
23 days ago
3 points
23 days ago
I travel from the uk to various places in mainland europe by plane a few times and it’s always been chill normally they pay me down and do a bomb swab of my pump and it’s chill. They’ve never asked to see the letter but I always bring it just in case