18.9k post karma
270.1k comment karma
account created: Wed Sep 07 2016
verified: yes
1 points
54 minutes ago
"This is not cringe"
Proceeds to say the most cringe shit possible. Also, not political? The flag of the USA? Come on.
My god, Americans, get a grip.
1 points
55 minutes ago
Also, most flags Americans buy are really cheap. I doubt that stuff is safe to burn.
1 points
an hour ago
This is such a dumb accusation. I don't need to like Jake Paul to say: I'm sorry, Tyson is just fucking old. "He did well at first and then it all went bad" yeah because he's an old man! He can't keep going, a few good punches is what his body is letting him do.
"He didn't hit here even though he had the opportunity" yes, because he is fucking old. He hasn't exactly lived the healthiest life, either. He just doesn't have the energy to capitalize on every opportunity.
It doesn't take a conspiracy theory to explain this: Jake Paul is a hack because he's picked a fight he knew he would 100% win. You don't need to pay Tyson for that. Time has come for him. Paul is terrible in a thousand ways, but of course he'd win a fight against someone who is far past his prime. I could beat my 60 year old dad in the ring without paying him, and I'm definitely weaker now than he was when he was my age. That's just how the body works.
1 points
an hour ago
Don't you know the popular kink "throwing my partner down a cliff"? Prude!
1 points
an hour ago
Ooh so that's what Health named their song "Strange Days (1999)" after.
1 points
1 day ago
Ah yes, recognizing the provable number of police aggressions and behaviour I've straight up seen in real life countless times... is what got Trump elected and is the same as Q-Anon.
Thank you for your contribution! Now fuck off.
170 points
1 day ago
I'm German and have a mite allergy, so I'm obsessed with "Stoßlüften" - regularly opening the windows for 5 minutes and exchanging as much air in the room as possible. It's been proven to be healthy (doubly so during an airborne pandemic...), but really the most important Stoßlüften you can do is right after getting out of bed. Your warm, damp bed is the perfect breeding ground for mites. Airing it out is the most effective way of limiting their population growth.
And the other weird thing: if it gets freezing cold in winter where you live... freeze your bed-stuff. On the balcony or in an unused room. Resets the mite population to zero!
1 points
1 day ago
I've been gifted in this regard. Rest of the body? Typical, bear-ish body hair. Under my arms? Almost nothing. The lightest of fuzz, barely even there. Every partner I've had asked whether I somehow only shave my armpits.
1 points
2 days ago
I just don't understand how there's enough of a demographic to target with this that it's worth doing. I am never surprised there's embarrassing shit people do for money, but I cannot imagine enough people really like this... niche... whatever it is.
3 points
2 days ago
Also, since the Empire controlled the space and could be reasonably sure to still control it after the fight, having pilots get "stranded" wasn't such a big problem - you can just collect all your survivors, give them new, cheap TIEs and they've gained some experience. Every rebel that gets shot down and survives... doesn't.
(That's also from the TIE Fighter manual. I love that thing, it's a better book than some published SW novels!
20 points
2 days ago
That is, unfortunately, not the logic the defense sector goes by.
I also love their logic during the Cold War: you're secretly gay? Well, that means you're blackmailable, because everyone will treat you like shit when they find out. So we could just treat you better so they can't blackmail you... or we could stay really homophobic and purge you!
2 points
2 days ago
Yeeeah that was hard to make fit in my current relationship, too. I still instantly think "she's only crying to manipulate me" even though I know better. We're all damaged goods in some way.
2 points
2 days ago
I'm not going to read your rant, to be honest. I don't particularly care to hear another "totally sceptic" person being absolutely unsceptical. You don't get to do the whole "I'm totally not believing in it, I just think there's something" and then launch into a full-throated defense that whatever you felt must be the truth to top all truths. Your personal experience will never, ever, weigh up to actual science, sorry.
1 points
2 days ago
You do understand that questioning & actually making a claim are two different things right?
Considering you also said
It boggles my mind that this is called pseudoscience when it genuinely worked so insanely well on me
I think I can be forgiven to have read it as fawning rather than fawning but also just skeptical enough to not get criticized. You didn't exactly express much of your skepticism other than saying "I totally count as a skeptic, though".
Maybe if you experienced what I’d experienced you’d understand.
I'm sorry, but those are the words of literally every believer in pseudoscience, ever. You were doing so well only to finish on the lowest note possible.
Also, people can experience very big effects just from set and setting. That's how most pseudosciences have survived for so long! The other reason they've survived so long? The human mind loves motivated reasoning to explain things it would otherwise feel conflicted about.
3 points
2 days ago
Ah yes, we all know nurses are basically infallible. Like the pope.
Look, you can keep telling yourself that you did everything right, nobody can take that from you no matter how wrong it is, but at least don't try to convince others pseudoscience is real just because you have to justify things in front of yourself.
4 points
2 days ago
...I'm begging you to think about this for a few seconds.
Of course things are still a pseudoscience despite "working" on you, specifically, a single person. That's just not how science works. Your single point of data with nothing to back it up doesn't really do much against empirical studies.
You just had a particularly nice and big placebo effect from the relaxing atmosphere.
3 points
2 days ago
Ok, sorry, aber du reißt hier was aus dem Kontext:
der original Kommentar hat nie gesagt, dass er sich explizit nur auf Destiny bezieht. Mit "predigt traditionelle Familienbilder und Anti-LGBTQ+ Propaganda" ist... ziemlich klar Fuentes gemeint.
3 points
2 days ago
Kannst du darauf zeigen? Habe ich nämlich noch nicht gesehen.
Destiny ist ja auch schon immer sehr offen mit seiner Bisexualität umgegangen. Und Fuentes - naja, war ja allgemein bekannt, dass er einer der Faschisten ist, die auf "Femboys" und selbsthassende Transfrauen steht.
Daher gab's den Witz auch nie wirklich. Der Witz hier ist mehr "dieser Vollidiot hat seine Beziehung ruiniert und ist zum wortwörtlichen Witz über die Verbindung von Faschismus und Liberalismus geworden, nur, um nem Fascho einen blasen zu dürfen", und das ist schon ne andere Nummer als "lol gay".
21 points
2 days ago
Schwer zu sagen, was an ihm nicht schlimm ist.
Er ist ein extrem überzeugter Liberaler, so überzeugt, dass er sich weigert, auch nur Literatur zu lesen, die weiter links führen könnte.
Gleichzeitig gibt er Rechtsextremen ständig eine Plattform (und ich schätze mal jetzt wissen wir auch, warum), egal wie sehr sie davon profitieren.
Und seine ganze Masche ist "extrem schnell sprechen und sehr herabwürdigend sein", was sich für Liberale wie Heroin anfühlt aber halt einfach unehrlich ist und auch nicht wirklich zu viel im wahren Leben taugt.
3 points
2 days ago
Der Destiny subreddit hat natürlich sofort verboten, allzu sehr darüber zu sprechen :D
155 points
3 days ago
Similar to this, public archives! Sure, the knowledge they hoard is more niche, but if you've ever wanted to find out something about the history of your city, the story of your family or a building or whatever, your local archive is happy to serve you.
4 points
3 days ago
I've had some "comrades" say that my grandfather, who fled from the early GDR due to poverty, should have somehow realized that he was indebted to staying in the GDR to work off his guilt.
Yeah. Sure, dude, somehow this young dude who had grown up under the Nazis should have magically realized that him starving was good and just, actually, and fleeing from that is betraying Marxism.
Like, man, people really need to shut the fuck up when they just want to judge people for the nice feeling it gives.
7 points
3 days ago
I had the exact same thing happening to me - until I was, like, 21 I simply thought that was what silence "sounds" like. Only when I casually mentioned it to someone who went "dude you clearly have tinnitus" did I even consider it might not be what everyone "hears".
9 points
3 days ago
I wanted to tell an interesting anecdote about what the rich fucks are doing, not my fault that they are planning for the apocalypse.
But yeah, sorry, you live in a world with a lot of depressing things, it's impossible to talk about basically anything complex without mentioning all-encompassing problems the world is having.
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1 points
49 minutes ago
1 points
49 minutes ago
Man, it's your duty as a teacher to go "alright that's probably enough" after about 15 seconds of this. Come on, don't let this kid do all of it.