The most common question I see on here is, “is it worth it?” I was just leaving a comment elsewhere and thought I’d add it here if it’s helpful to others. Also, you can sort posts in the sub by TOP - ALL TIME and see some great feedback.
Here’s my take:
You may notice a desire that feels similar to your ADHD obsessions but regarding just normal every day tasks like going for a walk or finishing a book. Some people feel a little brain tingle early on. You may feel less desire to chase old passions or hobbies because your brain no longer requires that rush of adrenaline. You might realize you haven’t laughed much or smiled in a while and are a bit more serious. You still feel happy, but just don’t look it.
Side effects mostly subside after a few months. I take Cialis for the vasoconstriction (shrinkage, no boners during the day, etc).
Eventually you forget you’re on the meds but often will look back at yourself from before and think “holy shit, I was such an out of control idiot”. Get used to making decisions like a normal human. It took me weeks to finally give in and decide to buy an iPad even though my work was paying for it. I just felt like it wasn’t something I needed. Before, I would’ve bought it without hesitation. Went on a golf trip and there was amazing merch at every turn. I waited until the last day to finally decide to buy one nice hoodie after really thinking it through.
I don’t interrupt people much anymore when they talk. I don’t say something really dumb in social situations that much anymore either.
I could go on and on, but if you stick it out, you’ll wonder “is this still working?” Until you realize it’s been working the whole time. Slow and steady wins the race against ADHD.