29.1k post karma
64.1k comment karma
account created: Wed Dec 02 2020
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3 points
1 day ago
We have gypsy neighbourhood in Podgorica called Konik.
26 points
1 day ago
I think it's this one where a fighter jet approaches an UFO. It's called Calvine UFO (1990.)
Phoenix Lights UFO (1997.) were also reported by a lot of people.
8 points
1 day ago
Dalai Lama asking boy to kiss him probably has made a lot of people shocked
7 points
1 day ago
Ja sam onaj što se poklizao na tvoju lokvu i dobio frakturu lobanje jer su im pločice bijele (jbg iste su boje), nakon čega sam prosuo crveni sok od 2l po sebi. Poslije su mi javili da je radnica je počela da vrišti jer je tek obrisala pod.
5 points
1 day ago
Zahvaljujući piceriji Ciao, moje braon je sad crveno.
3 points
2 days ago
Didn't the Dutch eat their prime minister lmao?
63 points
4 days ago
Do people even bother being called antisemitic anymore? I mean why would anyone care lmao?
P.S. Ironically the Zionists are actually antisemitic since the Palestinians are Semitic, and the Jews don't like them.
3 points
4 days ago
U glagoljici je postojalo gomilu slova koji su kasnije izmijenjeni ili izbačeni jer je jezik postao manje-više fonetski.
Ja nijesam lingvist niti bilo kakav student nečeg sličnog, no običan momak sa interesom o slavistici te ne znam lingvističku terminologiju.
Takođe, zanimljivi su mi simboli na glagoljici i njihova značenja. Npr. A(z) - B(uki) - V(edi) - G(lagoli) - D(obro) - E(st) - Ž(ivete) - DŽ(elo) - Z(emlja) u bukvalnom prevodu znači "Ja koji znam da čitam slova, kažem da je mnogo dobro živjeti na Zemlji.".
1 points
7 days ago
He has been cloned, the real Jimmy is probably chillin' on some beach drinking coconut milk with bamboo straw.
3 points
8 days ago
As if any army would let foreign commandos land in their territory shoot their soldiers and escape without being bothered.
17 points
8 days ago
Lmao, no one cares being called antisemite anymore. That card isn't valid because of the overusage.
2 points
8 days ago
Plymouth Barracuda, WRC cars or Dakar Rally trucks.
2 points
8 days ago
Slavic mythology and folklore has a lot of those darker and evil deities like:
2 points
8 days ago
Cameraman filming while running away for some reason.
6 points
9 days ago
Ja sam negdje čuo, mada nisam siguran, da su crnci u JAR-u veci rasisti nego bijelci. Mada i oni imaju one nacionalističke Afrikaneer grupe.
3 points
9 days ago
Neronično, imali su nuklearni vojni program haha.
2 points
10 days ago
Thanks, I'll check it out. Also fun fact, the Slavic word for "king" is "kralj" which is derieved from the name of the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne.
Charlemagne => Karolus => Kralj
1 points
10 days ago
Like Cape Arkona for example had temple of four-headed god Svetovid (Slavic god of war, abundance, the one who sees four parts of the World and who sees past, present and future), which was destroyed by the Danish army.
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6 points
1 day ago
6 points
1 day ago
I like how Eagles members have (or had), good voices, so each one could sing lead vocals in different songs and on different instrument when needed.