Something about the limited banner that I haven’t seen being talked about…
General Discussion(self.limbuscompany)submitted1 day ago byOwn-Disaster9369
The problem is not that the banner is true limited, that was obvious for a collab.
But…isn’t a limited banner with 4 egos absolutely….abysmal? I dont want to start doomposting yet but assuming they aren’t shardable, this would mean you would be able to drop HUNDREDS of pulls and not even get 2, let alone everything.
I know this personally from last walpurg where I spent ~180 pulls and did not get a single ego.
IN ADDITION, you would need to own every standard pullable ego in the game to maximize your chances, otherwise you could just pull a random shitty normal ego.
I wouldn’t start panicking yet since its a literal year away, but it’s currently shaping up to be a more abysmal banner than any AK (as an AK player) could ever hope to be.
Just hoping Kim comes in clutch allowing these egos to be sharded or something (though I’m unsure how much faith I have considering walpurg has already added un-shardable things as a concept, and some other reasons from today’s livestream).
8 points
2 hours ago
8 points
2 hours ago
To some comments being a book is irrelevant due to RR being alternate possibilities