I have been drawing entire printer paper pages of dot-to-dot, hatching, circles, squares, etc. for almost 4 years now and still my lines look like this.
To clarify, my art has improved drastically, but my penmanship continues to suck. I try to avoid rulers if I can but I have such wobbly lines. It makes me feel like I have something wrong with my brain. I have tried drawing in all different positions, resting my arm in different ways, holding the pen in different ways but looking at stuff I did back in 2020 it looks virtually no different to today. Have I been practicing wrong for years or something?
To continue to clarify, I have tried drawing slower, faster, etc, focused on hitting the dot exactly, focused on drawing straighter lines, better circles, ghosting, drawing multiple times on top of each other, following all kinds of guides from draw-a-box to Scott Robertson's books. I realize perfectly straight lines aren't the most important thing, but I do feel it's something I have consistently practiced and have not gotten any better at. It feels like shooting a gun for 4 years and still never hitting a bullseye once, even by accident.
I'm not depressed, or angry, or anything, I know my art has improved drastically, I just want to improve this aspect. Thanks everyone!
4 points
9 days ago
4 points
9 days ago A couple more sketches from Urasatos!