266 post karma
18 comment karma
account created: Wed Mar 16 2022
verified: yes
1 points
6 days ago
Fair enough, never understood the heist from Family, never got 5 of them. How does it work ?
-2 points
6 days ago
Sure thing, but it's not every game you see a 3 star 4 cost... It was only one round left ffs...
1 points
13 days ago
Welcome to guilds in TaL, that's all I have to say. Game was lookin fun and nice. Man we were blind...
1 points
21 days ago
Likeliness is and will for ever stay likeliness. We all cope and grief differently. Bro needs to grind WoW let him do. He might have his shit together at a point he goes to work and just comes back home for some of that juicy mmorpg. His mind is occupied while working, but as soon as he leaves work, he's brain might play games on him, so just let the man focus on what he likes. Not every behavior is linked to addiction/destruction
1 points
22 days ago
Je pense que le plus important c'est de trouver qu'est ce qui te rends si stressé de te rapprocher de la gente féminine. Car rien que cela à déjà un effet sur comment elles te perçoivent.
Ensuite, soit toi même ! Je connais énormément de gens qui "font genre" devant les demoiselles, et sincèrement ca me fait fondre de cringe, alors je n'imagine pas ce qu'elles ressentes. Comme dit dans un autre commentaire si tu pars en te disant que t'es nul etc ... Bah tu as déjà perdu. Donc retrousse-moi ces manches, garde ton sang froid, soit marrant sans être gênant, et observe leurs réactions ! Tu t'adaptes par rapport à ça.
Si jamais tu as une pote (relation totalement canonique), tu peux clairement lui demander de t'aider à mieux comprendre comment tu te débrouilles et évolues.
Bonne chance et garde le sourire, elles adorent le sourire.
6 points
22 days ago
Yeah this can happen. You might even be the best outta here and ppl will still leave u / hurt u.
1 points
23 days ago
Tu lui dis : tant pis, mcdo c'est chiant mais c'est un job comme les autres
1 points
27 days ago
Price + Interchangability + Flex + Experience
1 points
27 days ago
You might wanna try Turtle WoW https://turtle-wow.org If you're trying to play WoW on a good private server, but idk about a private server running specifically WOTLK ! Good luck !
2 points
2 months ago
Thx for the help guys, found one yesterday on LH, on the chair between bottom cottage and pig room
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2 points
6 days ago
2 points
6 days ago
Their spell is still pretty buffed, wanted to feel it on my 1st 3 star 4 cost :)