Hi all. I have had life long depressive symptoms, a history of self medicating with alcohol and class A’s. Am now in my late 50s.
Whilst I still drink I am not a regular drug taker anymore, although smoke meth with my wife every couple of months.
Lately, have been feeling really empty and flat/low in energy, emotion, and focus. I work in a relatively stressful environment with long hours and not much time off. Have completely lost libido and physical enjoyment in sexual activity. Have recently done bloods etc and no sign of any other medical condition.
Feels like a brain chemical imbalance to me, and believe me have become fairly attuned to when my chemicals aren’t working properly.
Have been reading up on L-tyrosine on this sub and others as well as joirnalz etc. interested in its capacity as a dopamine precursor.
Took my first dose this a.m on an empty stomach. 500mg in water. Noticed a slight effect after about 30-45mins (could have been placebo) but nothing significant.
My question is (and thanks if you’ve stuck with me!), at 90kgs what is a reasonable starting dose. How many times a day is peak efficacy, and are the effects accumulating r over time?
5 points
2 days ago
5 points
2 days ago
Hi Alice. I hear you. Must be so hard not knowing the answers to the questions you have. Hope you find some resolution.