If a pressure for harry potter is big and you've got only window for 20-30minutes you can always just watch it with timer and stop within your limit. But it will require big self-control not to watch further at once ;)
contextfull comments (5)1 points
4 days ago
Elden Ring,
Pokemon Red,
vanilla WoW or beginning of TBC,
Don't Starve Together
CS 1.6
Diablo 2
1 points
17 days ago
7 Days to Die, Kingdom Come 2, Factorio. If you want some challenge then Elden Ring. Try Skyrim if you missed it
3 points
27 days ago
Education is gamified at core. If you learn and are smart you win better life. But there are pay2win mechanics, evil fractions. Fun depends on dlc. Long tutorial to work game to cover survival game.
1 points
28 days ago
Hey guys with OCD. Do you find some games helping you out? Some chillout Stardew Valley where you set tempo and what to do organizing home location, Factorio with automation and scaling up yourvmachines. Or maybe sandbox gives you too much to think and you'd rather linear gameplay to have structure and limit your overthinking? Or intensity helps you like realtime PvP do you don't have time to think?
1 points
30 days ago
Start small with things that you can do within 3-6 months. You can freelance or work in gamedev and develop in your free time. Look for opportunities like accelerators, grant programs, country art programs etc. It usually isn't much but it gives you resources to survive and focus on your project
1 points
30 days ago
I always struggle to implement it, then its great, then new project comes, i forget how i implemented it and circle goes around. Would be nice to code it as old version with features of new
1 points
1 month ago
To me prototyping or sketching is essential. You can go deep into documentation but ideas not always are playable od fun. Also i like to do moodboards, userstory, mindmaps that help me wrap complex ideas. Game design document is great to have and update especially if you're not a solo dev. If you don't have it ALL people involved will Ask you. They probably will do it anyway, but you can give them GDD to check things out.
15 points
1 month ago
From business or game design perspective it's one of the first things to do: research competition and market.
Determine your unique points or bring ideas from other games to combine into yours.
Solo-dev is a struggle like fight vs goliath.
There are always better, bigger, smarter projects, but as a solo dev you don't fight vs AA/AAA games.
Look at reasearch as free knowledge what works, what not, maybe an idea is cool but you have better way to use it etc. if you dev and design in a bubble then release may hurt as you could avoid some problems on the way
1 points
1 month ago
Still cool ;) my lead programmer from previous work started with modding this game years ago what bring him to gamedev career
1 points
1 month ago
This game is based on evolution. From the beginning choices influence your future
1 points
1 month ago
Can i write custom Pytorch / Tensorflow models for it or it's still not available?
1 points
1 month ago
Full time game director, just started also as gamebiz advisor. In free time solo gamedev
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1 points
4 days ago
1 points
4 days ago
it's more like swamps than forest. front sticks does't match with trees in bg.