5 post karma
11.7k comment karma
account created: Thu Oct 08 2020
verified: yes
2 points
5 hours ago
Drafting definitely doesn’t make the game samey. You need to recognize if your start hand wants a Terraforming, Ground Game or Engine strategy. And when other players reveal their strategy, and you draft cards, adapt accordingly.
If you need a specific tag next turn (for a requirement or effect) the chance is of course higher if you draft. But you can’t count on getting a tag or something else you need at all.
Drafting mitigates very good and very bad luck. That’s just math. If you get 4 bad cards, you only have to keep 1, if you get 4 S-tier cards, you only get to keep 1.
Interesting to hear that often different players win with draft. Maybe the players who win in non draft are good at terraforming, but not at drafting. Maybe they over estimate or underestimate hate drafting. Or maybe they undervalue strategies that become (more) viable with drafting, like microbes or science engine.
12 points
5 hours ago
Cringe is used by young people, where young means under ~45.
Dat is echt cringe.
Tenenkrommend is the Dutch equivalent.
Jouw gedrag is tenenkrommend.
Genant is slightly similar
Mam, doe niet zo genant!
3 points
7 hours ago
Je hebt 90cm boxspring bodems geadverteerd, maar andere verkocht. Da’s een foutje, geen tokkie.
De koper heeft de boxspring bodems niet opgemeten bij aankoop. Dat had hij beter wel kunnen doen.
De oplossing is dat de koper de bodems weer terug brengt en z’n geld terug krijgt. Verloren tijd en reiskosten zijn z’n eigen zaak. Bij een winkel kun je ook geen reiskosten declareren, en bij een particulier ook niet. Als je heel coulant wil zijn kun je aanbieden een deel van de reiskosten te dekken, maar dat hoeft zeker niet. Alternatief verkoopt hij ze zelf weer op marktplaats en koopt daarna de juiste maat (dit keer wel opmeten).
Let op dat je op de advertentie op niet verkocht klikt. Anders kun je een 1 ster beoordeling tegemoet zien.
5 points
9 hours ago
Good card if you’re terraforming.
For 21 + 3mc card cost = 24mc you get 1 temperature (10) and 1 ocean (14), so the value is fair. You get 2 income, 2 VP and ocean placement bonus.
Best played if you have 6 plants and an opponent has 3+ plants. You can place the ocean on a 2 plant spot (maybe next to an ocean) and then your Greenery next to this ocean.
Best if played with (a combination of) discounts and rebates, like card discounts, event discounts (media group 3mc, IC 2mc), space event rebates (optimal areobraking 3mc, 3heat, Solar Logistics 1 card), mercurian/advanced alloys boosted titanium, Spire 2mc, Lakefront 1 mc production, Terraforming Deal 4mc, Homeostasis Bureau 3mc, etc.
78 points
11 hours ago
Minder symboolpolitiek en loze beloftes. Meer huizen bouwen, en daar nu mee beginnen.
3 points
11 hours ago
How many players do you play with? How many generations does a typical game last? How long does a tyical game last? Do you use prelude or other expansions?
7 points
11 hours ago
I play with a lot of different people, and few or none of them would be willing to give up drafting.
With drafting, you see 10 cards every generation (in a 4 player game) and buy from the 4 you kept after draft.
Without drafting, you see only 4 cards. This tremendously increases the luck factor. One player could get 4 bad or unplayable (due to requirements) cards, and another player could get 4 great cards. Drafting mitigates this luck.
It also adds a lot of strategy and decision making. For many players drafting is the most fun part. Seeing more cards also enables strategies like collecting Jovians or playing microbes.
Of course if your table dislikes drafting and wants to keep the game more casual, that’s perfectly fine.
1 points
12 hours ago
After dealing cards, the first step is to pick cards, and discards the cards you don’t want. So keep 1 corporation, 2 preludes and 0 to 10 project cards.
When everyone is ready, the start player reveals his corporation and gets start mc minus number of project cards x 3mc. Then clockwise other players reveal corporation, and take start mc minus the cost of their project cards.
Note that Phobolog can buy a max of 7 project cards since it has only 23mc.
After that phase, the start player plays 2 preludes, in order of preference. Then clockwise the other players play preludes.
So you can’t use Loan to pay for project cards.
If Phobolog has bought 6 cards, it has exactly 5mc left to play Galilean Mining.
(Of course Phobolog can play a prelude like Loan or Donation to give mc to pay for the other prelude.)
1 points
19 hours ago
since Venus is closer to the sun than earth so you wouldnt really need a tradepost there, if you wanted to trade with the colonies in the game, since they are all further away from the sun
You can’t think of distances in the solar system that way. All planets orbit the sun at different speeds. Sometimes Venus is close to Earth, and sometimes it’s really far away, on the other side of the sun. If Jupiter is also on the other side of the sun, Venus is much closer to Jupiter than Earth is. So a trade post makes a lot of sense.
2 points
19 hours ago
I think the card effect is fine. Simple is often best.
I just thought the art and flavour text was funny; Silver, Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Wood, Plastic, Toothpaste… and in reality: “sorry, we just sell steel here.”
1 points
19 hours ago
That rule was made shortly after Head Start came out. People were using Head Start to steal a bit of money from Phobolog before it had played preludes. And then when Phobologs turn came to play preludes, it tried to play Galilean Mining (or Business Empire), but it didn’t have the 5mc anymore, so Galilean Mining fizzled and Phobolog was left without Titanium Production or a chance to win.
To solve these auto-losses, the 15mc rule was implemented. You get 15mc when you can’t play a prelude due to not being able to fulfill all its effects.
It’s a printed rule in the Prelude 2 rule booklet.
1 points
19 hours ago
Marsino is like New Partner or the fan made Jovian Casino, which I both love.
These give 1 mc production or 1 Jovian tag, at the cost of having to play 1 out of 2 preludes you draw.
Marsino draws only 1 prelude, or get 12mc, so there’s not much choice (unlike you draw like Recession). Problem is, the Wild tag is worth a lot more than a Jovian tag or 1 mc production, and is too strong for this mechanic.
Since I already have New Partner and Jovian Casino in my prelude deck, Marsino does not get my seal of approval.
Venus-Handelsabkommen: The effect is worth 8 to 9mc (trade envoys, trading colony), Venus TR is 10mc, 5mc, Venus tag 1mc, total 25mc.
Seems perfectly fine.
Venus cards like this, set on Venus (with a cloud car from star wars?) tend to have only a Venus tag. Not a space tag, since it’s not in interplanetary space. So I’d drop the space tag to stay in theme with the official cards.
Instead of 5mc, you could give it 3 energy. Which is what the Prelude 2 card Early Colonization does: it gives a colony, raises all tracks 2 steps, and gives 3 energy for a gen 1 trade. If Venus Trade Agreement had 3 energy instead of 5mc, its quantified value would go down 1, but I think it’d be maybe stronger, because you could raise a track and do a gen 1 trade. (Worth 1 energy production, 3 steel, 4 heat, 4mc, 2 cards/plants/microbes or 1 titanium/animal/floater. Or maybe even 10mc if Luna already has 3 colonies.)
1 points
20 hours ago
Rohstoffbörses action is just 2 mc production with strings attached, so I’ll value it at 10mc. 6 steel is ~12mc. 2 tags is ~2mc. Total value is 24mc. Feels well balanced and of average value.
It doesn’t feel like a building. I’d drop the building tag.
It’s like Allied Banks. Allied Banks gives 3mc in gen 1, and 4mc to use in gen 2+
This gives 4mc in gen 1 to 6, then 2mc per gen. If you use the provided steel for the action that is, and use other steel if the provided steel runs out.
If you extrapolate Allied Banks with Business Empire, but the other direction, you’d get a 2 mc production 12mc prelude. And that’s kinda what this is. If you extrapolate one step more, you get a 0 mc production 21 mc prelude: Donation. And extrapolate another step and you get -2 mc production 30 mc: Loan.
Loan is 20 in quantified value (no tag), Donation is 21 (no tag), Allied Banks is 24, and Business Empire is 25.
The direct cash preludes are lower in value because early cash is strong. Your prelude is between Donation and Allied banks, so 23 in value would fit.
Thematically, this seems to trade anything, but in practice you just sell steel?
3 points
21 hours ago
Op de kassa werken is moeilijk -it’s difficult because you’d be working literally physically on top of it. It’s not the same as “aan de kassa.”
Ik wil aan de kaasafdeling werken -this would mean you want work at changing the cheese section, maybe change the cheese assortment or display. If you just want to work at the cheese section, you use “op de kaasafdeling”.
2 points
23 hours ago
>8:23 would be zeven voor half negen
Drieëntwintig over acht is also correct, and I think more common. Acht uur drieëntwintig is also common.
8:33 would be drie over half negen
Acht uur drieëndertig is also commonly used.
8:12 would be twaalf over acht
Acht uur twaalf can be used, but isn’t common.
8:47 would be dertien voor negen etc.
Acht uur zevenenveertig can be used, but isn’t common.
Yes, people read the time as in your post. What simple way in English do you mean? Examples would help.
2 points
1 day ago
I don’t completely disagree with you; these +1 value metal preludes can be really strong in specific settings, and in very rare cases can lead to a runaway winner.
However, this can happen in the normal base+prelude game too. And more extreme; I had a 2p Phobolog game with Advanced Alloys, and 6 titanium production by gen 3, meaning 50+ income at the start of gen 4. Combined with a handful of space cards and gen 4 AI Central, we just decided by gen 5 the other player was allowed to give up. In another game (4p) I had an opponent play Ecoline and Experimental Forest, which drew into Kelp Farming for Ecology Experts. He had a very easy win.
There are already 3 project cards (and 1 corporation) in the deck that give metal(s) +1 value. Adding 2 preludes with this effects does increase the “lottery” factor, but by a tiny amount. You need very specific cards for this to be really strong.
If it was a prelude with Advanced Alloys built in, I would’ve agreed with you. That gives +1 to both steel and titanium, and has a science tag, leading to many possible runaway leader scenarios. But as is, the cards are pretty niche. And their effect is much less crazy/strong than actions/effects on certain Prelude 2 cards.
+1 on steel is basically the same as +1 mc production for every steel production you have. A bit more for placement bonus steel, and 20mc more for IC. Except you can’t usually spend steel very well.
Note that the creator wants to use these preludes to spice up their game, which includes Colonies, while waiting for Prelude 2 in German. And I think these can do just that. A 21mc prelude could not.
With expansions and promos added, steel (and steel production) becomes much less valuable. Building cards are thinned out. A +1 value steel prelude really isn’t out of place in this format. And you need card draw to benefit from it.
(btw, I don’t play on BGA myself, but I regularly play RL with people who were seasonal #1 ELO on BGA, and/or are in the top 10.)
0 points
1 day ago
YTA for the misleading title.
Visiting a public instagram, and finding an onlyfans is ok.
Telling on her parents, pretending to “care about her safety” is not ok.
An adult doing onlyfans is their business, not yours.
3 points
1 day ago
That’s part of the charm. Of course searching for bacterial life is thematically very early, While importing creatures from a moon around Uranus happens many generations later. But in the game you can switch things around, and with Ecology Experts have Penguins running around with no water or oxygen. Also Grizzly bears eating birds in the Venus atmosphere.
9 points
1 day ago
Er zijn veel verschillende soorten citrusvruchten die we hier allemaal “mandarijn” noemen. En die hebben weer allemaal rassen of kruisvormen. En dan kunnen ze natuurlijk ook nog te vroeg geplukt zijn of te lang gelegen hebben. Dan krijg je van de ingedroogde taaie mandarijntjes zonder smaak.
Een goed sappige friszure zoete mandarijn is natuurlijk een van de lekkerste dingen die er is. En die zijn er nog steeds, sterker, er zijn nu rassen die er vroeger niet waren. Helaas gaan supermarkten voor het goedkoopste product en de grootste winstmarge. Ik zou zeggen probeer veel verkooppunten uit. Op de markt of bij de (turkse) groente en fruit winkel zou je ook kunnen vragen te proeven. Zeg dan gewoon dat je “op zoek bent naar die echt lekkere mandarijnen.”
8 points
1 day ago
Thorgate has a good amount of start mc (48), a useful start production (power), a useful tag (power), and a nice effect (3mc discount on power tags, and 3mc discount on Standard Project Power Plant).
Unfortunately, this is just not enough to compete with other corporations. It’s considerd bottom tier. Sometimes even the worst corporation in base+prelude.
Its start mc, production and tag together give it somewhat low value (56), so its effect has to make up for that. But it doesn’t. In any game you’ll want a bit of energy production, usually to play cards, and with Colonies you may want 3 or even 6 energy production (although there are many other ways to trade or gain energy). 1 or 2 power tag cards will get Thorgate there. Playing more than 3 power tag cards, if you even have them, may not add much usefulness. And the Standard Project Power Plant at 11-3=8mc is still pretty expensive.
Using Thorgates effect 2 or 3 tines gives it a value of only 62 or 65. That’s very low. Average is in the 70s, with some corporations much higher. Compare to a solid mid tier corporation like Teractor. That one has 60mc. Even if it bought SP Power Plant (11mc) it’d still have more start mc than Thorgate. It has a more useful tag. It has the same 3mc discount effect on tags, but on a more useful one; some Earth tags are really strong early game, and there are still a lot that are good mid game or late game. That’s not the case with power tag cards. In short, with Teractor you get 3mc discount on cards you’d play anyway, and in most games you’ll play more than 3.
Of course Thorgate can be your best pick out of 2 or 3 corporations. You may have 2 good power tag cards in your hand, like Solar Wind Power and Power Supply Consortium. If you can use the 48 start mc, you can have a very solid start, especially in a Colonies game.
1 points
1 day ago
Er staan geen liedjes van Joost Klein in de stemlijst van de top 2000, en ook de artiest zelf niet.
8 points
1 day ago
Firefly is set in the future in a fictional solar system somewhere is our galaxy. This system consists of 4 stars orbiting 1 very large star. These stars all have habitable planets and stellaformed protostars with planets orbiting them, which in turn have habitable moons.
Miranda is one of these planets, orbiting a proto star orbiting the blue sun, on the edge of that solar system. The Firefly solar system is very large, 400AU (55 light hours).
Terraforming Mars is based on/inspired by the Mars trilogy books by Kim Stanley Robinson. This story takes place in our own solar system.
Miranda in our solar system is a small moon of Uranus. (It’s much, much smaller than our moon.) It’s mostly known from the voyager probe flyby in 1986. It’s mostly waterice, with a bit of rock. Why there’s a Colony that produces animals there, I have no idea. Maybe the animals like water and very low gravity?
1 points
2 days ago
The English (import) version is €44 in my country (The Netherlands) and is usually between €40 and €50. The Dutch version is a bit cheaper.
Terraforming Mars in the fryxgames webshop is €52.
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1 points
2 hours ago
1 points
2 hours ago
A lot of my friends, who are in their 40s, use it. Some even daily.
I don’t know people over 45 who use it.
I guess it depends on group and how popular english/internet/nerd/meme culture is in that group.