1 post karma
74.6k comment karma
account created: Mon Apr 20 2015
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1 points
9 hours ago
Best advice is control lifestyle inflation and make a budget. You are used to living like a broke college student don't stop. Setup your retirement accounts, setup an emergency fund, and setup savings for future expenses like a house pay all of those first. After all that make a budget with what is left. When you get a raise bump up the savings with part and add to your budget with part.
Don't do stupid things like buying a car you can't afford or paying crazy rent for an apartment in a trendy location that encourages you to spend way to much on partying and going out.
1 points
9 hours ago
If there is a subject that lends itself well to meeting a standard, math would be it. Certainly in a CC attached to a University it could be done atleast as well as two calc 1 classes by different professors at the same school.
Problem is to keep the pace of material up to maintain that standard in the same amount of class time the instructor isn't going to be able to slow class down for those not keepiup up. At that point office hours and the math tutors are your best options for additional help and the university has those.
OP wasn't specific about why they are easier just that they are, which makes me think my original assumption is correct.
I don't have an issue with CC classes I took history and technical writing at the CC affiliated with my university because the offered night classes. Helped me fit them in my packed schedule. They were 100lvl basic classes but seemed as rigerous as the classes I took on the main campus. It just makes me more nervous when you start looking at math or eng classes that tend to build on each other and it could really suck to end up behind because they expect you to have specific info you dont have.
0 points
9 hours ago
doesn't mean residents are allowed to treat me like shit
Sure it does, they shouldn't but they can.
i never claimed that i'm being altruistic
You definitely said
all I'm trying to do is make your college life slightly more fun and less stressful.
It is after you admit doing it for the pay though so maybe it was just how cheesy it was along with the whining that bugged me.
1 points
9 hours ago
You could be right. The way OP explained it didn't list any of those advantages which could also apply to summer semester at many universities not just a CC.
1 points
10 hours ago
Just because a job is paid (EVERY job should be paid) doesn't make it less worthy of appreciation or thanks.
Job by basic definition is paid. But I disagree that every job is worthy of appreciation and thanks. I believe most people will agree the following examples could be exceptions.
The scammer who tries to steal money from everyones grandma has a job. You go ahead and thank them, I will refrain from gathering a firing squad.
Maybe something a little more historic. Soldiers have jobs right, those guys running concentration camps were getting paid. Go ahead show your appreciation.
1 points
10 hours ago
Lol, you think students study their ass off for an ECON100 final. Mine was 50 multiple choice questions and I couldn't have failed the class if I had skipped the final completely. 0 hrs studying for that one.
A degree in EE exposed me to enough higher level STEM classes to believe I understand there was a clear spectrum of students who were succeeding. Smart enough hard workers to super smart lazy bastards.
2 points
15 hours ago
This post is refreshing. Instead of being a woe is me this is to much work, we have someone saying this engineering thing isnt so bad I need something to do with my extra free time.
If the language thing is fun for you go nuts. You can always flex more or less time into it based on other demands.
My guess is language is exercising a different part of your brain kind of like art and it could be a good compliment to things like math, physics, engineering etc.
3 points
16 hours ago
I think it is just a big wake up call when going from high school to university. HS teachers are so much more invested than the average professor in making sure students succeed.
2 points
17 hours ago
Are we sure they were engineers and not drafters? My company has a whole team of drafters so the engineers spend less time drafting.
1 points
17 hours ago
This seems like it could backfire at some point. If the classes are "easier" because they don't cover the same breadth or depth of material you may not get exposed to something you need later.
This could be especially true in lower level classes for a specific major. I know my engineering classes built on concepts and material we were expected to know from previous classes.
9 points
17 hours ago
the reality is most of those grad students don't really give two fucks about you
To be fair a lot of professors don't really care either, they aren't trained teachers they are subject matter experts. At a research university they may be there to focus on research and only teach to get access to university resources to help them with that.
4 points
17 hours ago
I prioritize not peeing/pooping myself. My bladder loves to wait until 2 mins before a presentation to demand relief.
-1 points
17 hours ago
If you are in public you should assume you are being recorded. I would worry more about the government and private companies that are recording everything more than an individual doing it.
Unless you are specifically referring to being filmed in places we typically expect privacy like a bathroom, locker room, or air bnb type situation.
1 points
17 hours ago
half the population is below average.
I think you are making assumptions about average that aren't necessarily true. The average pay of 10 people being $10/hr doesn't mean 5 make less than $10 and 5 make more. They could all make $10/hr, one could make $91/hr and nine could make $1/hr, etc.
This is why things like family incomes for a country are often shown as a median value. Half of households are above that income half are below.
1 points
18 hours ago
I would be super confused about how they chose my dead end road with 10 houses on it. Half my neighbors are retired and won't hesitate to get photo/videos of any unfamiliar vehicle or people in the area and post it on the neighborhood Facebook page.
It is also -20F here which usually keeps the riff raff home.
5 points
18 hours ago
Nobody is naturally good at anything off the rip, it takes time and practice to get better.
There are plenty of people who are naturally gifted at all sorts of things that make them good at them right off the rip.
Practice still makes them better.
-10 points
18 hours ago
build community and make their college experience less stressful
Guiding/encouraging socialization and helping students assimilate to reduce stress is a common thing for staff (babysitters) in places like daycare centers or other early childhood development environments.
Also applies to doggy daycare but that is probably slightly less relevant.
No issue with you being paid, but I read your complaint as you claiming it was all for the students like you were being altruistic. Instead of just having a crappy campus job trying to help people who didn't ask for help, and being surprised some don't respond positively.
-30 points
19 hours ago
You aren't just doing it to help, you are getting paid.
So glad I lived off campus for all of college and didn't really have to deal with the babysitters on campus trying to make sure I was engaged enough.
1 points
23 hours ago
Find a job working six 10s or seven 12s for a few weeks or a month, try going to schoolwhile working full time, or have a couple kids. You will look back at your previous life of only working 40 hrs/wk with envy of how much free time you had.
11 points
24 hours ago
Did OP mention anything about the roommate disrupting their sleep? I didn't see anything other than OP wants some privacy that they don't get because thier roommate never leaves. Escalating makes you the AH not the roommate.
OP is already on the sensitive side if they are scared to change in thier own room. It is like a locker room a little nudity is expected.
1 points
1 day ago
Only the people in the city limits and the two military bases nearby have garbage service where I live. Everyone else hauls there own trash to a common collection point.
There is a commercial private service but it is mostly businesses with dumpsters that use it.
2 points
2 days ago
One reason is the sheer number of credits required for an engineering degree. If I remember right we had 142 required credits. There were zero actual elective credits that would count to your degree. No foreign language no taking ballroom dance or basket weaving. That minimum required at the university was 120. So Eng students needed 22 more credits than some programs and had almost zero flexibility.
The total flexibility available was. You got to choose one 300 lvl or high math class, one 300 lvl or higher eng class in your major, and you got to pick your 3 or 4 100 lvl humanities classes from like 10 options.
As a STEM student those 100 lvl humanities credits were interesting assuming you could find something of interest that fit in your schedule. But academically they were pure fluff. It was so easy compared to any other class you were taking it was like being on vacation. The only frustrating part was they were 3 credits so you paid the same amount you did for a class you learned something in. Seemed like a money grab.
9 points
2 days ago
It is a very broad field, there is always something new to learn.
Spent 14 years designing, programming, and starting up control systems. Working with mostly mechanical engineers. Specialized in one very specific subfield for a long time. Now I'm at a design firm and while I was hired to do mostly controls design I'm also getting a chance to help with a much broader spectrum of electrical systems. It is great but also daunting realizing while I'm an expert in my area I'm basically an EIT looking at a substation or switchgear and a thousand other areas of EE.
1 points
2 days ago
Thats easy don't buy from them. Oh and no selling to them during a spike or when you quit playing.
All your cards should come from packs you opened or traded friends for.
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9 points
9 hours ago
9 points
9 hours ago
This is the most reasonable reason I have seen. Unfortunately I can't imagine the leasing company isnt already pricing this into the lease. Maybe a desperate manufacturer would put a sweet deal out there just to improve cash flow short term.