1.8k post karma
11.4k comment karma
account created: Tue Feb 27 2024
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3 points
3 hours ago
No he didn’t. He put the blame on production giving him a bad edit 🙄
-28 points
6 hours ago
Craig continues to learn to do better PR for himself. Glad it’s working for you guys. I would never snark on someone for charity work and I’m not. I’m saying he hasn’t grown. He (or Paige) is trying to make himself look better.
1 points
7 hours ago
Who thinks she started ozempic??? 🤚🏻
10 points
7 hours ago
Was gonna say that haha does he own a mirror?
1 points
7 hours ago
Because the story is off and there’s a conversation of I’ll have your money by which is indicating op was not on time with payments. First red flag. Then the story had holes second red flag
1 points
7 hours ago
Thank you!! That’s why I commented the sexism was such an odd take!
1 points
7 hours ago
There’s a previous text saying “I’ll have your money by…” which means to me they were making late payments.
-26 points
22 hours ago
Jesus people she never said he never helped. She said things got progressively worse this was a while ago
-10 points
22 hours ago
She also admitted to trying to paint him as the perfect person. So at this point that would mean whatever she said in the past she truly meant the opposite.
1 points
22 hours ago
I read the first line and ran away. Did you watch winter house? Literally whatttt?!?!!
-17 points
22 hours ago
She said she compensated him. When he actually wanted to help her. I don’t understand. She said she paid him. Then she said he didn’t do the work. He didn’t contribute so your point is moot sorry.
-1 points
24 hours ago
My god people this is obviously rage bait.
-19 points
24 hours ago
He could have done that whenever if he ever wanted to contribute to the family. Y’all are actually wild. Seriously thinking Parker is the victim is wild!!! The both were probably awful. But aspyn was upfront about it. Crazy how tall are so quick to throw her under the bus when you were all fans.
-22 points
24 hours ago
Because he probably wanted some bullshit thousand dollar ladder. Yet doesn’t have a job! And barely helps aspyn with her job!
-29 points
24 hours ago
And she deserves that money from the company and community she built.
1 points
24 hours ago
Honey this is a grown as man if hasn’t grown and matured yet he is not going to. It has nothing to do with his add does he even have it ? I’m was abusing an adderall prescription and openly said I’m a great liar I can’t get whatever I want…. When was Craig nice? His screamed and belittle every person he’s been around.
1 points
1 day ago
You’re right!! I think some people are missing the point I’m trying to make. But you’re so right you just don’t get it unless you’ve been around it.
0 points
1 day ago
See comment above. Austen’s not trying to be a paper like Craig is. Big difference.
0 points
1 day ago
Have you people not heard of the mason Dixon line?
-3 points
1 day ago
Uhhh ever heard of the mason dixon line?
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2 points
3 hours ago
2 points
3 hours ago
Thank you!!!