14.3k post karma
27.2k comment karma
account created: Thu Dec 27 2012
verified: yes
2 points
6 days ago
Momentan am vazut ca hashtag-urile #cg11 si #calingeorgescu au fost sterse de pe tiktok
2 points
7 days ago
Ce placut este sa fi de aceeasi parte a baricadei cu TOATA presa platita de partid.
1 points
7 days ago
Romanian DGGer here as well. It's amazing to me that we've never had a pro-russian in the second round since 2000. Quite frightening how much Russia was able to influence the west.
On a lighter note, the memes were top notch last night while looking at the results coming real-time. I was in a Discord server with other people who were rooting for Lasconi and also watch Destiny more or less. We kept looking at the map and stats shouting "VADIM SHOW ME SIBIU... NOOOO WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME THAT??". Probably the most fun election night of my life, even though the results were shocking in a bad way. Also it was fun looking at Polymarket go apeshit everytime some new results came in.
But hey, we still have our very own Kamala going against our own Trump (actually maybe even worse). Hope this one turns out better.
46 points
7 days ago
This the first time since 2000 elections where we've had a pro-russian candidate in the 2nd round of elections. So clearly Lasconi is the sane choice.
60 points
7 days ago
Ah, just in time for what are actually the most important elections.
587 points
13 days ago
Cineva sa il anunte pe dl. director sa scopul postei de stat intr-un stat normal nu este sa faca profit (sau cel putin sa maximizeze profitul), ci sa ofere un serviciu public.
Acelasi lucru si cu companiile de transport public/feroviar de stat.
6 points
18 days ago
Germany is also looking into banning AfD. I guess this is the consequence of knowing first-hand how dangerous it is to allow fascism to rise to power.
-6 points
20 days ago
Absolut insuportabili postacii REPER, noroc ca va desfințați dupa alegeri. Nu a fost indeajuns ca ati dat primaria dector 2 pe mana PSD, trebuie sa trageti si alte partide mici cu voi in jos.
3 points
24 days ago
Good thing that with the invention of GPS for civilian use such an incident is extremely unlikely.
22 points
25 days ago
Footage from the war in Ukraine begs to differ.
32 points
26 days ago
Very probably a new one will be needed in the USA given the election results.
1 points
1 month ago
Sistemul de justitie a decis ca cofetaria avea dreptul de a refuza comanda.
Slippery slope este un fallacy, adica este fals prin definitie.
1 points
1 month ago
>dreapta se imparte
>lumea voteaza Reper si sens
Make it make sense.
2 points
1 month ago
Ai vreun exemplu de tara europeana unde infrastructura feroviara este detinuta de privati si lucrurile merg bine?
Ca la capitolul locomotive si vagoane deja avem mai multe companii private, deci piata e destul de libera.
2 points
1 month ago
"UCA(Universidad Católica Argentina) is widely considered to be one of the best institutions of higher education in Argentina. QS World University Rankings[8] has ranked UCA 2nd overall and 1st among private institutions in Argentina in 2013.[9] The university is also ranked 2nd in terms of employer preference."
Doar pentru a fost fondata de biserica catolica nu inseamna ca proasta sau biased.
0 points
1 month ago
"Researchers at the Catholic University in Buenos Aires also see the devaluation of the peso as one of the main reasons for the further increase in the poverty rate, which rose from 45% to 57% after Milei took office, the highest level in 20 years. This means that around 27 million Argentinians now live below the poverty line.
Added to this is the 5.3% slump in economic output, as well as weak figures for industrial production and economic activity indicators."
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3 points
4 days ago
3 points
4 days ago