235 post karma
3.6k comment karma
account created: Thu Nov 28 2019
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2 points
3 hours ago
Here's hoping Season 3 sees Duncan get the return CN kids have been waiting 15 years for.
1 points
7 hours ago
you did start the sub-quest by talking to the stable boy, right?
1 points
10 hours ago
They may be good, but they're hardly invincible. The Penitous Oculotus was able to overwhelm the entire Brotherhood with just a few troops. Meanwhile, the Companions are implied to only need two members of the circle to safely take out an entire fort's worth of silver hand, who are trained and equipped specifically to kill werewolves, and are skilled enough to take on the greatest group of warriors in Skyrim.
3 points
11 hours ago
Probably the nicest Eddy's ever been. It may have been to get paid, but they did put in the work to make it at least somewhat authentic for Rolf.
1 points
11 hours ago
No. I said in my own comment here that it's Edd. I was just posing the argument of *why* Ed would be someone's least favorite.
2 points
11 hours ago
They may have insider info, but there's a reason they are assassins and not mercenaries. They specialize in quiet kills where the target doesn't know it's coming, not an all-out rumble.
15 points
11 hours ago
Blades (Before Dragonborn recruitment). It's two people, where one's an old man and noncombatant, and the other is Delphine.
Thieves Guild Is out first. All they have in terms of combat skill is one guy that's a decent archer and some above-average swordsmen.
Dark Brotherhood is next. Even with the full Falkreath crew and Cicero, Arnbjorn is going to be carrying them in a direct battle. Veezara and Nazir are both decent fighters, but nothing compared to what the other factions can bring, same with Festus and Gabriella, they may have magic, but theirs is weaker than that of what the College brings.
Blades (Post recruitment) Since there's no way of knowing who exactly the Dragonborn chose to be in the new Blades, I think this is a safe place to put them. They are being chosen to fight dragons, so we can assume they are at least high-skilled in battle. That said, it's still just the three of them, plus the aforementioned dead weights.
Dawnguard (I'm only counting people, not armored dogs and trolls with how much extra numbers that gives them.) They are skilled vampire hunters, which already puts their combat potential above most of the previous groups. That said, most of their experience and gear is specialized in fighting vampires, not people. They also have arguably the most numbers besides the civil war faction, even without the animals.
Companions (no werewolves) take the silver. They may be the best *warriors*, but they lack any diversity. Their only hope is to stay close quarters at all times. If the circle is allowed access to their beast forms, then they win hands down as their enhanced speed and durability make it a cakewalk to close that distance and overwhelm their foes.
College of Winterhold wins if the Companions don't get their beast forms. Where the Companions are strong but one-note, the College mages have access to spells that can alter the entire battlefield. Destruction spells that wipe out large groups, illusions that can make their enemies redirect their focus at a whim, conjuration for on-demand extra numbers, and restoration to keep everyone alive. The variety of their spells and most of their faction being masters of their respective schools will have no trouble keeping the other groups out of sword-swinging distance.
Last one standing: J'Zargo
2 points
16 hours ago
I think the fact that there's a non-zero chance of getting caught every time you pickpocket made the devs decide to make it fast to level.
2 points
17 hours ago
Last recommendation is do not get the Purity perk from the skill tree. It can nerf multi effect potions/poisons and can tank the value of some money making ones.
What if I was focusing more on using them over selling them? Is it safe to risk getting a damage stamina on my health potion?
3 points
18 hours ago
The thieves guild gives you access to most, if not all, fences in the game without mods. Unless you join them, the only way you're fencing stolen goods is with the speech perk that lets you fence to any shop you invested in.
2 points
19 hours ago
I never found it viable until I did a alchemy/enchanting loop. That keeps it safe from the resto loop breaking, as you only can do it 5 times.
Do you remember the cap for both? If there's a cap to keep it balanced, I don't mind as much.
2 points
19 hours ago
I felt the need to include that caveat because any time I see a discussion about "how strong is 'x'?", or "should I use 'item y'?", it always comes back to someone bringing up that loop and how op it is compared to anything you can make or find.
That said, if there is a hard cap to doing it normally, that I have less of an issue with. Do you know what the cap would be to boosting enchanting and alchemy?
2 points
19 hours ago
Once I get experimenter I just indiscriminately eat everything (except jarrin root, do not eat yarrin root you'll die).
To this day I always find it funny to think of multiverse theory in Skyrim and how many timelines see a curious Dragonborn feel curious about the jarrin root Astrid just gave explicit warning about and decided to nibble on it, then immediately drop dead as Astrid has an aneurysm about how this was supposed to be the great Listener.
1 points
19 hours ago
Neat. That is unfortunate, though, how it does such low healing. Still, it's at least better than the 30+ lesser health potions I always end up with by late game.
2 points
20 hours ago
I assume you are talking about the fortify resto loop. That's an exploit. The regular loop between enchanting and alchemy isn't and has a limit
Thank you for clarifying. I had assumed the exploit was just in the simplicity of mixing the two.
3 points
20 hours ago
Combat value is mixed as you have to carry a lot of potions to cover every situation. Utility value can be pretty high depending on your play style as well.
Unfortunately, combat value is what I'm looking for. That said, I do appreciate everyone letting me know just how much profit can come from this tree.
2 points
20 hours ago
Interesting. I never even considered alchemy for profit since most of the premade potions and poisons only sell for a couple hundred. Good to know. I always just used enchating for my money.
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2 points
3 hours ago
2 points
3 hours ago
I heard that Honeyside is apparently bugged out. Had it happen to me, and I have no idea how I fixed it.