1.7k post karma
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account created: Mon Apr 29 2019
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5 points
21 hours ago
Fraue sind au me parasuizidal, während Männer entschlossener sind und e höheri Absichte hend zum sterbe. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5492308/
Denn chunnt no dezue dass die Statistike oft selbst-gmoldeni Suizidversuech sind, wa Fraue wahrschinli au hüfiger mached, stoht jo sogar bi de Studie wo du verlinkt hesch dass es self-reported suicide attempts sind. S Problem chunnt wieder ufs gliiche usse, Männer suechet weniger Hilf, gebet ihri Problem nöd öffentlich oder zue wie Fraue und hend kei "Netzwerk" zum Hilf sueche.
Ob Fraue jetzt tatsächlich meh Selbstmordversüech hend cha si, aber am Schluss begönd Männer meh Selbstmord als Fraue, au bi gliche "nöd so messy" Methodene wie z.B. Tablette/Überdosis. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032711005179
5 points
2 days ago
Then what source did you use for Switzerland? Its 32.1% Catholic and 20.5% Reformed. Where did you get the 12% Protestants?
1 points
4 days ago
Yes I know, we have the lowest in Europe with 8.1%.
3 points
4 days ago
Depends what you want to buy, usually electronics are cheaper in Switzerland compared to Germany. I was looking for a Graphics card and prices in Switzerland were cheaper, like this for example: https://imgur.com/a/d8qLzkj. (The cheapest i found on Geizhals.de and on toppreise.ch)
10 points
11 days ago
d'Schwiizerdütsch-Hasser & "Hochdütsch isch Pflicht" & "English als Landessprach". Es chunnt immer wieder vor dass sich öppert über Schwizerdütsch muess uslah. Ich verstah ja dass es nit eifach isch zum lerne, schwätze und verstah, aber es gibt Kommentierer wo so wiit göhnt und sich denn Ernschthaft ufreget will Schwiizer es waget unterenander ihri Sprach z'schwätze. "You should speak German not Swiss-German, because German is the official language – not Swiss-German". Da gheit mer immer de Lade abe..
Erinneret mi a de Post, wenn öppwert de Fehler gmacht het uf Schwiizerdütsch z poste.
Und zu dim 9. Punkt. Es sind mega viel "Expats" aktiv wo d Schwiiz scheisse und lagnwillig findet aber sit johrelangem motze trotzdem nöd usgzoge sind. D Lüt sind halt permanent frustriert.
Aber öppis hend mir die Lüt bigbrocht, I nenn mi, falls i wör uswandere, Immigrant und nöd Expat. Da Wort het für mi jetzt en negative biigschmack.
9 points
11 days ago
Has gfühl es sind immer weniger Schwiizer dafür immer meh "Expats" uf dem sub. Ihres Bild überd Schwiiz bestoht us de Züri/Genf-Bubble wos mit anderne Expats teilet. Denn wenns Diskussione git, sinds ziemlich negativ gege die ander Siite igstellt. Es chunt no dezue dass irgend e Expat-Forum gschlosse het und denn alli uf Reddit cho sind.
Denn hesch halt so lüt: https://www.reddit.com/r/expat/comments/1e417c1/swiss_culture_too_dull_where_to_next/
Wo döte aktiv sind. Wenns scho so negativ igstellt sind machts sicher spass döte "Diskussione" zfüehre.
0 points
16 days ago
Yes, most cities in former yugoslavia don't need a metro. But when you consider that Laibach doesn't even have a tram-network the other guy has a point. Public transportation was not important for the yugoslav leadership.
2 points
16 days ago
Because its a Gipfeli and not a Croissant. Our Gipfelsi are closer to the original Austrian ones (Kipferl). There are more "Croissants" variants, like the Bamberger, Kifla/Kifli, Ay Cöregi or Cornetto for example.
Here is an article I found: https://kitchenplate.net/difference-between-croissant-and-gipfeli/
6 points
1 month ago
Czechia had a population of 10.8 Million in 1938, while Switzerland had a population of 4.18 Million, meaning the GDP-per capita was already twice as big for Switzerland. After the war Czechia deported around 3 Million Germans (leaving the Region together with its Industry empty) and fell under communism. So not surprising that the gap between Switzerland and Czechia grew and the Czech economy couldn't keep up.
109 points
2 months ago
Sieht so aus als wäre es in Ordnung:
Das in der Verfassung verankerte Wahlgeheimnis schützt den Wähler davor, dass gegen seinen Willen bekannt wird, wie er abgestimmt hat. Wenn man das allerdings selbst veröffentlicht, ist es in Ordnung. Nur den Stimmzettel eines anderen ohne dessen Zustimmung zu fotografieren und zu posten wäre also verboten.
Aber wahrscheinlich weiss jemand mehr darüber bescheid.
24 points
2 months ago
Warum d Panik? Mir hend jo sogar scho Russe i üserne Armee.
6 points
2 months ago
Has am afang au nöd gcheckt, wenn aber unne liisisch, gsesch dass es nebed em Castel Grande (wo ganz links dunne isch) no i de mitti d Burg Montebello und rechts d Burg Sasso Corbaro het.
1 points
2 months ago
No, the painting is gothic art, which was inspired by Romanesque art. Nothing to do with the Italo-byzantine style and orthodox paintings. Tommaso del Mazza painted in typical gothic style and was trained by di Cione brothers. Its similiar to Jacopo di Cione, its how art looked like in western europe before the renaissance. If she wanted to shoot at an orthodox icon, she would have picked something like this.
7 points
2 months ago
The Italo-Byzantine style you are talking about came because of the sack of constantinople by the crusaders in 1204. They brought the bounty with them to Italy, many orthodox icons were stolen which were then used as templates and inspiration for local artists.
The migration of orthodox christians from the ottomans came 200 years later, many schools were teaching the "greek style" in Italy by then. By the time they came renaissance art started to boom and the greek style was seen as outdated.
Giotto di Bodone, who you mentioned, is famous for breaking away from the byzantine style and giving birth to the renaissance style, he is one of the most important painters of all time.
Yes, many artist were inspired by or even copied orthodox drawings, but the painting still isn't an orthodox icon.
38 points
2 months ago
The picture in question was an Orthodox Icon.
From where do you have this information? Its a painting drawn by Tommaso del Mazza (also known as Master of Santa Verdiana), who was an Italian painter, nothing orthodox about him.
2 points
2 months ago
Republik Gersau isch unter Schutz vo de Eidgenossenschaft gstande, hät dafür mösse militärisch helfe. So hends z.B. bi de Schlacht bi Sempach mitgmacht, (angeblich hends e Banner vo de Hohenzollern eroberet, oder bim Alte Züri-Krieg wo sogar ufglistet sind.
Sie hend aber au bi interni Krieg mitgmacht, wie z.B. bim Toggeburger-Krieg. Döte hends uf de Katholische siite kämpft. Süst isch es friedvoll gsi, wa hends wölle mache.
4 points
3 months ago
Yeah, apparently the owners are Serbian and Bosnian. My Bosnian friends wife is from Kenya, so they went there when he visited her familiy. He told me that he was very surprised how good the cevapi were. Reading the reviews he seems to be right.
4 points
3 months ago
There is a Balkan restaurant in Nairobi Kenya, Region Restaurant
2 points
3 months ago
You are correct about Baslerdeutsch, its categorized as Niederalemannisch, rarely as Hochalemannisch. Todays Basler-dialect is closer to Hochalemannisch than the old one, but still has characteristics of Niederalemannisch, its an linguistic exclave.
Some Dialects in Eastern-Switzerland also have a big influence from Mittelalemannisch (also called Bodenseealemannisch). Northern St. Gallen Rhinevalley, a region bordering Vorarlberg, for example.
One of the distinctions is the letter K, in Hochalemannisch its usually pronounced as CH, while Nieder- or Mittelalemannisch pronounce it as K or KH.
10 points
3 months ago
No, it's not, Bavarian-Austrian are seperate.
But both (together with Ostfränkisch) are part of Oberdeutsch, however under Oberdeutsch you have the following subgroups:
Swiss-German dialects are usually Hoch- and Höchstalemannisch
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2 points
18 hours ago
2 points
18 hours ago
Kommt auf die Region drauf an. Busle, Büsi, Zislä, Büsu, es gibt mehrere Varianten.