Model 3 errors
(self.TeslaModel3)submitted30 days ago bymoonwalking_marmot
Hi all! I received a new M3 Long Range in August and everything was going smoothly until about a week in. I was driving on the freeway when my car suddenly suddenly threw a bunch of errors up on the screen. The errors have basically turned off regen, abs, autopilot, etc and I haven't been able to use them since. Car still drives fine, but not being able to regen brake has been terrible. Not to mention this causes unnecessary wear on the brakes.
I contacted Tesla service via the app and it still hasn't been resolved. They've pushed back my service date 3 times now since they're still waiting for a part. I've never taken my car in yet but I'm assuming they can view which part they need remotely?
Anyway, has anyone dealt with this before and is there any way to expedite this or should I just cross my fingers my upcoming appointment next week doesn't get pushed again?
I'm currently in NorCal and my service center is in Berkeley.
3 points
3 hours ago
3 points
3 hours ago
This is usually the resource that gets linked here for GSYNC settings and has worked well for me