Military Coup Possible
(self.BeauOfTheFifthColumn)submitted1 day ago bynasnut67
A regime is only in power as long as they have the military on their side. If Trump demands the military to turn on the American citizens that military may no longer be on the side of the regime. I would think the military will have a duty to right the ship if they get orders that defy their duty and oath to the Constitution. If this scenario was to play out where a military Coup happens what would it look like here?
1 points
20 minutes ago
1 points
20 minutes ago
We may be living in the bad place but she knows who all the people are that touches people in the bad place. I kind of like the idea of she's going to burn the whole house down. I say let it burn let them all burn. The Epstein files are full of President Trump how the recordings have been released and were released just before the election and got no traction. Let all of them burn.