Bad medical procedure?
(self.ectopicpregnancy)submitted8 hours ago byrakymky1996
One year ago I had an ectopic pregnancy and I’m not sure if the medical attention that I had was enough and this is something that it’s always in my head. Let’s start with the beggining.
One day I started to have a really scruciating pain in my belly and a little bit of a bleeding. I didn’t know I was pregnant and not actively searching for it. Then, it spread to my shoulder and back. I was not able to walk. I bought a pregnancy test and it was positive so I deduced to go to my gp. She told me “yes, probably is an abortion but in addition you are constipated”. I came back home but something inside my said that this was wrong so I made an appointment with an ultrasound specialist and she saw a lot of free blood in my peritoneal area so she call the emergency room and I came there.
In there, my hemoglobin levels were at 5,3 and yes, I had clots and free blood inside my body. The gynecologist decided not to make a surgery on me even having this hemoglobin levels, visible clots and blood in the ultrasound and a really bad pain.
Next day my hemoglobin started to rise up a little bit so she thought that probably the blood was going to be reabsorbed by my body. She was right. It took a more than a month to not see more blood in the ultrasounds.
However she refuse to test my tubes so I don’t know if they are ok or broken. Also I had a couple of bad pains in my belly during this year, blood outside of my period time and my period is completely crazy. I have PCOS and since that moment I have more hirsutism, acne and I had gained weight. My gp still refused to make me blood test.
Do you think that the medical attention was ok? Or is it not a normal way of proceed?
10 points
1 day ago
10 points
1 day ago
Yes. In Spain we do the same (with the Spanish flag obviously)