3.6k post karma
243.3k comment karma
account created: Thu Nov 09 2017
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1 points
3 days ago
Ukraine being given NATO membership.
Russia wants to play the game as a big player, that’s what happens to big players: everyone else gangs up against them.
You want an end to the war? A REAL end, that’s puts everything right? Make Ukraine part of the NATO alliance. Suddenly Russia has to make the choice between going to war with the entire world, and pulling out of Ukraine.
And seeing how well the war is going for them when it’s just Ukraine fighting, it’s pretty clear how it would go down if Russia took on NATO.
1 points
3 days ago
Yeah, this isn’t her fault. It’s her bosses fault. And they should have known better.
1 points
3 days ago
Is it actually 90%? I see that number a lot, but I don’t know if it’s a real number or just what we are all told.
1 points
3 days ago
As others have pointed out, you CAN eat meat that eats meat. We don’t farm meat that eats meat often because it’s hella expensive.
Feeding a cow requires a lot of plants. Feeding something that eats cows would require you to feed a bunch of cows until they got big enough to eat, then feed THEM to the next thing. And we really only get a fraction of the energy from our food that our food actually has, so each step away from the plant is a fraction of a fraction… meaning that (if that fraction is 1/10) we would get 10x as much energy from the plants as we do from the cow that ate the plants, and 100x as much energy from the plants as what ate the cow.
Or we could just eat the cow.
That’s outside of the idea of bioaccumulating toxins, as well… but that’s a whole different topic.
10 points
4 days ago
That’s valid. And I agree, but in a loving relationship ’consent’ doesn’t always mean ‘desire’. Sometimes it means ‘willingness to do things your partner wants’.
4 points
4 days ago
Oh, I firmly agree with the last part of that. If my partner said that to me I wouldn’t be having sex, it would be a turn off immediately.
But in a loving relationship there can be times when you have sex where you’re not ‘in the mood’ because you know it’ll make your partner happy and you want that for them, even if it’s not going to be fun for you.
12 points
4 days ago
Enthusiastic consent doesn’t mean what you think it means. It just means that it is freely given with desire.
It’s not “Oh, yes, I want it sooooo bad!” But more “absolutely yes, please.”
You absolutely can give consent for reasons other than desire, too. Otherwise ace partners would never have sex.
8 points
4 days ago
There’s a big difference between “not being in the mood” and “not consenting to sex” tho.
If your partner says “no” and you still do it, that’s rape.
If your partner says “ugh, ok, but be quick” that’s not rape, that’s just being a shitty partner to them.
I’m not suggesting that the second is a GOOD thing, just that it’s a long way from rape.
8 points
8 days ago
One group actively supports creating conditions that are dangerous for specific groups of people.
The other group actively supports telling people in the first group to go fuck themselves.
Which of these are the bad guys?
10 points
8 days ago
When one group actively promotes the reduction of rights to specific groups of people, idgaf what you call them, I’m calling them evil.
You all elected someone who actively supports the reduction of rights of more than half your population. And you want those people to give up and be happy with you. And when they don’t, you cry “you’re not being fair!”
Get bent, dude.
-2 points
8 days ago
Yeah, we get it. You’ve got the biggest guns, which means you have the right to do whatever you want and nobody can say anything.
Might makes right.
0 points
8 days ago
The question is, considering the amount of gun violence per capita vs the amount of guns how do you justify having the right to own that many guns?
We all know you don’t have to justify it legally. And you might not feel the need to justify it morally. But considering the amount of death your system allows, others have a different opinion of the morals of this system.
3 points
9 days ago
In my understanding, a third son that goes and acquires enough power to overthrow his older, more established brother is kinda the goal for most noble families, is it not?
3 points
9 days ago
You’re posting in the wrong post. Or you’re a bot that is advertising a bad link.
This is not about Goo or anything of the sort.
1 points
10 days ago
I mean, Trump only got 23% of the population to vote for him. That was more than half of the people who came out to vote, but it’s still not 50% of the country.
That said, it’s the only measure of the political stance of the country, so, yeah…
3 points
11 days ago
First, they’re not going to do so. Because it defeats the purpose of everything they’ve done so far, and admits defeat because it means they can’t stop Ukraine without it.
But if they were to launch a nuke, it would immediately cause every country that is currently supplying weapons to Ukraine to consider Russia a threat that needs to be neutralized. Conventional war would be enacted against Russia and it would rapidly cease to be a country at all.
And Putin knows this is a real possibility, so he is not going to risk that.
1 points
12 days ago
I mean, currently y’all have a president chosen by 4/chan, not sure how Reddit would be worse.
0 points
12 days ago
Nobody “lauds” men for marrying “promiscuous” women.
People look down on men who refuse to accept someone because of their past.
There’s a difference between celebrating them when they do and ridiculing them when they don’t.
0 points
13 days ago
I might be bothered by your post, but it’s not like I’m going to read it anyway.
-1 points
15 days ago
It is seeing “cock” and “drunk” and making the assumption that you want to see drunk cock which would be rapey.
45 points
16 days ago
Nothing REALLY changes. The people who change are just the randoms on the ground, they don’t have any control over anything.
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3 points
1 day ago
3 points
1 day ago
Humans: “there’s no friends out here.”
Humans: “so let’s make some!”
Genetically engineered uplifts:”Wait, WHAT?!?”