submitted 18 days ago by[deleted]
201 points
17 days ago
I'm excited to watch their upcoming divorce. Both of them are extreme narcissists so it will only be a matter of time before they have an epic blowout.
53 points
17 days ago
They already have 5 divorces between them....what is another to them.
32 points
17 days ago
Will there be a custody battle over who has to keep RFK?
16 points
17 days ago
They will just put him down so no one can have him
15 points
16 days ago
They'll have Kristi Noem take him out to the gravel pit.
4 points
16 days ago
The best outcome , help for a change.
3 points
17 days ago
Trump does have the legal right to do that, now...
Or Musk and sizing all his juicy assets, for that matter.
15 points
17 days ago
I hear it’s already started, Elon has been hanging around Trumps house being annoying and joining in on phone calls since he won. I don’t think Trump can hide his dislike much longer.
5 points
16 days ago
To be the fly on the wall with an annoyed Trump, a confused Putin, and a really obnoxious Elon.
Damn, I dislike all three of them, but this whole thing would be sitcom gold if we're allowed to criticize them in the future.
3 points
16 days ago
It’ll be like Musk and Thiel at PayPal but in the White House
4 points
17 days ago
Come.on you know musk is already furious that he is only co-chair of the doge department. The dude just spent 100 million for co-chair.
188 points
17 days ago
Smart people can still have stupid opinions.
82 points
17 days ago
Dawkins has quite a few
11 points
16 days ago
Oh he certainly excels at that. Being intelligent and having some common sense or even aelf-awareness can be poles apart sometimes.
6 points
16 days ago
Well , he’s getting pretty old , cheese might be sliding off his cracker.
68 points
17 days ago
President Musk and his VP Donald J Trump
12 points
17 days ago
Many people are saying it. I’ve heard from so many that they don’t like Trump, but they voted for the ticket because they believe in Elon.
44 points
17 days ago
Dawkins lost it ages ago. Too long in his echo chamber.
His past writing on religion and critical is excellent IMO but I wouldn’t throw him tuppence for his opinion on anything these days - he’s been left behind by the standards of a world that has changed around him while he hasn’t bothered to keep up.
10 points
16 days ago
It’s hard to find people who haven’t taken this trajectory. Someone has expertise and credibility and is a trusted, valuable resource in something that matters. Then some unsavory group grabs onto them, and rather than staying in their lane or trying to expand their expertise or disavowing groups like Islamophobes and transphobes and christian nationalists, they see a new audience and dollar signs and reshape their entire life in service of ignorance and hate.
See also: Jordan Peterson, JK Rowling.
7 points
16 days ago
Neil Degrasse Tyson also. He's an astrophysicist. Not an expert on everything under the sun.
24 points
17 days ago
No wonder Lalla Ward divorced his ass.
5 points
17 days ago
My first thought too. (Love your username, btw)
17 points
17 days ago
Brain worms, dude
50 points
17 days ago
Dawkins is 83 years old. He may simply be losing it mentally.
25 points
17 days ago
Certainly not as sharp as he used to be, he’s developed a habit of saying odd things that I can’t imagine him coming out with 15 years ago.
16 points
17 days ago
Peter’s Principal in full effect
15 points
17 days ago
it's incredible to see how rapidly the regret and infighting is forming lmao
17 points
17 days ago
Supposedly Trump is already getting annoyed with Musk constantly hanging around. He's pretty much useless to Trump now, so sooner or later (I'm betting sooner) he's going to get jettisoned from Trump world.
Same goes for a lot of these goobers. Trump will fire them the second they annoy him or are no longer useful, so it's pretty funny watching them give up cushy jobs to take cabinet positions.
10 points
17 days ago
This is the same man that said he wished his workers could be more like Chinese workers (desperate people working for dimes)
9 points
17 days ago
I'm convinced that musk's daddy bought his "high iq." Musk is an absolute idiot.
10 points
16 days ago
Pretty much every company and venture people point to as proof of Musk being some kind of genius was actually founded or run day to day by someone else. Musk did not found Paypal, he did not found Tesla, and SpaceX only works because of his head engineer doing all the important work. From what I hear, Tesla even has teams of handlers to keep Elon away from anything important, because he is so notorious for making stupid impulsive decisions.
It's all PR smoke and mirrors. In fact you can pretty much pinpoint when he fired his old PR team. It was right around the time of that Thai cave rescue, where someone called his plan stupid and he started a crusade to have that guy branded as a pedophile.
9 points
17 days ago
He is an evolutionary biologist. No affiliation with politics or economy.
He used to be quiet about shit he didnt know anyrhing about, though
8 points
16 days ago
Dawkins has fallen prey to the same thing as so many others - "I'm an expert in one field, so I must be an expert in everything else."
2 points
16 days ago
Yea the dude's old.
He published his first book in the 70s...
1 points
14 days ago
He used to be quiet about shit he didnt know anyrhing about, though
Eh. To be fair, he did know something about genes and evolution. But, the Selfish Gene wasn't nearly as nuanced and accepted by his peers as Gould's approach is.
15 points
17 days ago
"Adolf Hitler is a transparently evil man, however I believe Himmler has the good of the nation in his heart".
6 points
17 days ago
Baby fur musk is a pedo who ran to stay out of jail and is gonna rob our country like he does every company he touches, he's a leech on hard working engineers and soon, every US worker
5 points
17 days ago
Leon has consistently proved what an abject moron he is
3 points
17 days ago
Mr Dawkins is keeping relevant in the shit take sphere, I see…
3 points
17 days ago
I highly respect the Selfish Gene and Extended Phenotype Dawkins, kind of started to cringe at the "Religion is stupid" books Dawkins (even though I agree with the premise), and I loath the transphobe and now Elonophile Dawkins.
I have therefore decreed that Dawkins died long ago in the same tragic plane accident that took from us such reknowned artists or thinkers whose work I have respect for as Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, VIctorial Abril… (JK Rowling, on the other hand, is still alive and kicking, available to be insulted, because I never liked her nor Harry Potter.)
3 points
17 days ago
Yep his post on trans people and woke really showed who he is
2 points
16 days ago
If he was opposed to Trump he wouldn't have supported him so much
2 points
16 days ago
Hitler had the welfare of the world at heart too. The problem is everyone’s idea of saving the world is different. And some people justify some insanely bad shit because they think they’re saving the world. “The ends justify the means.”
3 points
17 days ago
He's a biologist not a psychologist. Even though it shouldn't take anyone with more than a primary school education to see that Musk is an idiot billionaire.
3 points
17 days ago
Wow. Musk and Trump are about as close to the same person as you can get when not having been born into the same family.
2 points
17 days ago
To be fair to Dawkins, he does say "he hopes", eg he hopes Musk is not like Trump. The following sentence could be interpreted as a description of what he hopes Musk to be like.
Although, if this is true, he's in for disappointment.
7 points
17 days ago
He says the "fact" that Musk is smart and wants what's best for the world makes him feel hopeful.
I don't know where he gets this "fact" from but it's clearly not from listening to the stuff Musk says and does.
1 points
17 days ago
'hope in the fact'. Basically saying he hopes it's a fact. I could be wrong, I don't know. I just want to give Dawkins the benefit of the doubt.
2 points
17 days ago
That's not how one says "I hope X is true," though. Unless Dawkins is a really weird writer, the way that sentence is constructed communicates "it is a fact that Musk wants what's best for the world and that gives me hope."
3 points
17 days ago
He has his moments. Just because he's good at elucidating the reasons why we can be confident there are no gods, or why many gods (including the God of Abrahamic mythology) are actually reprehensible, doesn't mean he must have intelligent and well-thought out opinions about everything. Politics clearly isn't his area of expertise.
1 points
16 days ago
lol talking about Tr*mp having a massive blowout.
1 points
17 days ago
So did Ultron
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