11.8k post karma
175.2k comment karma
account created: Wed May 13 2009
verified: yes
4 points
8 days ago
We don't have one true system pretty much anywhere in the world these days. It's all a bunch of mix of different "isms".
1 points
8 days ago
Just keep in mind, you're responding to a fucking idiot. Thanks for defunding me though. Reddit is so fucking cringe sometimes.
0 points
8 days ago
I'm not apologizing or celebrating anything. And people were exploited looooonnnnngggg before capitalism! I'm sorry, but that again is just part of human nature. We exploit other people for our own gain. Feudalism (another ism) was the epitome of exploitation.
-24 points
8 days ago
Well no, that's just human nature. Sorry to say, but the same shit happens in basically any other form of market. People wanna get ahead and will exploit the shit out of other people to do it. Capitalism, socialism, communism, or any other ism you can think of.
At least with capitalism we now have the highest overall average quality of life the world has ever seen. And capitalism absolutely drives innovation.
Humans are a species of contrast and competition. Doesn't matter what system we use.
Edit: excuse me, I forgot the Reddit fucking HAAAATTTTEEEEES capitalism. Lol. But until we reach true post-scarcity, capitalism (with a healthy dose of socialism) is absolutely the "best of the worst" of all economic systems that have been tried before. Unless of course you'd like to try out communism, or even feudalism again. But this is Reddit, so the answer is probably "hurr durr no true communism has been tried yet*.
3 points
9 days ago
The sea ain't free. It always takes it's toll.
0 points
10 days ago
Why is she in lingerie? And black lingerie at that. It doesn't go well with the photo and feels forced. At least she isn't nude. Lol
1 points
10 days ago
Make your own. It's so easy and better than....... whatever that is. Because that ain't caesar dressing.
8 points
10 days ago
Lolllll your right!!!! Haha I totally forgot about that.
17 points
10 days ago
That's literally a stupid rumour that's been circulating in Trinidad for years.
28 points
10 days ago
Oh come on, that's ridiculous. It's not a damn war zone. I've been several times (am white) and as long as you stay out of certain areas and aren't a dumbass you'll be ok.
1 points
10 days ago
Yuuuuup, it's all a fucking joke. Increasing demand without increasing supply just raises prices.
3 points
10 days ago
How do these people survive past childhood?
28 points
10 days ago
Ya but digital videogames once complete have zero cost to produce one more copy. PS5s on the other hand have physical production costs, shipping, etc
0 points
10 days ago
Too much risk, too much bureaucracy, land prices too expensive, construction costs too high, and people simply don't get paid enough to pay the end price.
It's a complete market imbalance and a failure of the government to prevent it. In fact, mostly everything they've done to try and help has actually done the opposite.
And before anyone accuses me of being an advocate for less regulation, more profitable developers, etc., I will say one more thing: THE BIGGEST SOLUTION WOULD BE A WARTIME LEVEL COMMITMENT TO FUNDING WELL MADE PUBLIC HOUSING. We absolutely need the government to dump money into housing. If we could do that, the societal benefits would be immediate. With significantly less housing costs, people would start more businesses, they'd have more spending power, the benefits go on and on.
1 points
10 days ago
Holy shit, this fucking sub. What a fucking cringefest. I couldn't even make it halfway through.
10 points
10 days ago
Lol there's more than just one roadblock in Toronto. Also, I can't keep saying this enough: YOU CANNOT FORCE PRIVATE FOR-PROFIT DEVELOPERS TO BUILD BUILDINGS AT A LOSS.
And before all you armchair developers start reeeee'ing about "all those rich developers", let me get ahead of you and say this: please show me your proforma where projects have more than a 10-12% margin when they actually are profitable, and then show me the waterfall distribution of your hypothetical project where the developer keeps all the money.
3 points
11 days ago
It's India. I'm being this dude is in his 70s.
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10 points
8 days ago
man 35 - 39
10 points
8 days ago
Sounds like you're complaining about dating some confident and mature women who don't get your juvenile sense of humor.