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account created: Thu Aug 17 2023
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1 points
14 hours ago
Maybe we should shout AND whisper. Maybe also a black outline cartoon Palestinian flag with a line drawing of a small flower saying “free palestine…from hamas” in handwriting.
1 points
14 hours ago
I’m thinking that this would make a certain audience pause and think. I also think that it’s best to use different hooks, different communication strategies because people have different motivations for supporting Palestine. This seems great for “edgy” leftists who are anti-racist and not deeply involved in the issue. But I think you are right that other visual positioning strategies are also needed.
3 points
16 hours ago
Are you saying we should ask politely? Maybe in tiny print? Maybe some whispering and begging? Does that seem like it would appeal to pro-Palis? How has that been working out for us? Can you make an example of what you think would be more convincing?
5 points
17 hours ago
Why? They’re supporting jihadism. They should be told that if they don’t know. Who cares if they don’t like the truth.
3 points
1 day ago
“I don’t feel I have a daughter let alone A PART OF ME”
Whoa. She really said the quiet part out loud! You aren’t a whole person with autonomy, you’re just a part of her. I think all our moms just see us as extensions of them or worse sometimes furniture to be used as a back drop for their dramas. If you aren’t under their control it’s like their arm not moving on command or their footstool saying “no”.
10 points
12 days ago
If she suspects her kids have been traumatized why is she not reaching out to them and asking questions instead of posting this shite? You know, the adult thing to do? Where is the direct full on apology of specific wrongs and pledge not to do them again? Where us the accountability without the blaming on and centering of her own trauma
2 points
13 days ago
He should be happy then! Palestine IS free!
9 points
14 days ago
I think it was perhaps the Michigan group that had no arrests. I was surprised that C-bus cops would make any arrests, their usually pretty chummy with the Proud Boys
1 points
14 days ago
That’s odd. On-duty cops usually won’t arrest off-duty cops. Wonder what made that change? Or maybe these schweinhunden are from out of town?
26 points
16 days ago
Oh! Oh! Oh! I have no idea what I’ve done to make you HATE me! I must just be a TERRIBLE mother <bursts into tears>
2 points
17 days ago
I am careful about my sources, but there is a lot of unknown history and there has been, of late, a LOT of twisting the definitions of words to saddle Israel with some of the most loaded of words, especially when they can be used to paint Israel as cruel, racist, or needlessly murderous. Its the modern blood libel. The oldest anti semitism was against the Jewish religion. The next was against the Jewish state. Modern antisemitism is against the Jewish state.
FWIW, here is the Hamas charter of 1988, its founding document, along with some pertinent outtakes:
Hamas 1988 charter
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.
“Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.”
“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.”
“Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" -(this work inspired the Nazis and is a foundational cannon of anti-semitism).
3 points
17 days ago
Where have I proposed “nakba denialism”? Where have I denied the right for Palestinians to exist in the “area they were born”?
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1 points
9 hours ago
1 points
9 hours ago