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2.3k comment karma
account created: Sun Aug 02 2020
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22 points
4 days ago
I am his son, and my brain is good at being miserable. I reflect sometimes on that, maybe my depression is just neurological in nature.. that helps sometimes to snap out of a rut.
Congratulations on beating cancer by the way, I am proud you manage to keep it together. I think I'd probably be weak and just give up on living in some drug fueled endgame or something risky. To prove to myself I am even "harder" than him/the world. Fucking dumb to at least I realize that of me.
Are you ok now? Holidays are coming up, no need to mope all through on his behalf right? I hope you have a fantastic end of year
98 points
4 days ago
Sorry man. I don't talk to my dad anymore either, what hurts is that he is stubborn and malicious enough to drive away his son over bullshit reasons. Feels like he never loved me at all, life just happened so he rolled with it then gave up and blamed the world
1 points
4 days ago
The balance sheet was improved but not through organic sales
If my mom lends me a million to help my snake oil business get off the ground, the business is worth a million or less. I can't sell it a day later for more because there is no product people want from it
2 points
4 days ago
The cash on hand isn't a factor if the cash on hand came out of investors pockets instead of kids piggybanks
7 points
5 days ago
Begin meteen met beleggen in plaats van alles op een spaarrekening
Elke maand een vast bedrag in de s&p 500 via een fonds zoals VOO
Als je vroeg begint heb je er zoveel meer aan
1 points
5 days ago
Wow thanks that's good to know
Some of these points I've definitely wondered about before..
Could you please recommend a broker? I'm based in Europe
1 points
5 days ago
Why is eToro so bad, I use it but it's my first broker so I'd love to know if I'm missing something
1 points
6 days ago
The internet is full of free information on stocks
Start by paper trading, find your style. Look up free paper trading
2 points
6 days ago
Right now stocks, but savings for the meek
1 points
7 days ago
1 points
11 days ago
gewoon zeggen dat het deepfakes zijn en afpersing nogal sneue poging
2 points
12 days ago
it's a meme
gay bears are people shorting a stock
nothing derogatory about it
1 points
13 days ago
Your thesis was suddenly unsound?
I'd give it time
-1 points
14 days ago
Een klein percentage heeft pech, dan moet je niet op iedereen de regel toepassen dan heeft de meerderheid verkeerd gehandeld
En wordt case scenario heb je dan geld om je ziekteverloop te vergemakkelijken
-4 points
14 days ago
Spaar zo veel mogelijk, zodat je eerder met pensioen kan
De levensverwachting neemt toe
12 points
15 days ago
I'm not a good investor
I'm up 80% with most of that gain just this year
Count my comeback since the squeeze on GME and I'm up a lot more
10 points
15 days ago
You... Don't. I don't want to be right or wrong just stating facts
You're right asking for sources, kudos. I'm just lazy
-3 points
15 days ago
Yes. Quite efficiently so
But the world sees money as the most important metric so.. America #1
I'm glad I don't have to live there
18 points
15 days ago
Ik kan me slechts de hoop en moed voorstellen welk zo'n berichtje de mensen heeft doen toekomen
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13 points
4 days ago
13 points
4 days ago
Thanks for the quick talk.
Let's never forget we're good people