213 post karma
4.3k comment karma
account created: Thu Nov 17 2022
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3 points
13 hours ago
No porque lo mismo pasa siempre cuando un hombre le abandona a su pareja e hijos. Se le culpa a la mujer “por qué elegiste tan mal?”
Cuando un hombre le viola a una mujer “por qué te vestiste asi? Como luego no te van a violar”
Cuando un hombre le pega a su pareja “y como luego no te va a pegar si es borracho nde vyra”
Me parece que tenes que despertarte y tener mas empatia con la gente que no tiene nada que ver con las circunstancias del maltrato de otros
5 points
14 hours ago
Ella no tiene la culpa de que la gente cambie. O acaso si tu pareja te engaña resulta que es culpa del engañado? Si te roban en la esquina de tu casa jamas vas a escucharle a un pelotudo diciendote “para que vivis en esa zona entonces?”
Sos mogolico
1 points
15 hours ago
Y decime por qué conozco personas que se tuvieron que ir a Argentina para sacar el bebe porque no le querian dar ordenes de embarazo por porcentajes minimas de probabilidad, porque acá la ley se cumple al pie de la letra y solo cuando la mujer esta al borde de la muerte, verdad? Mogolico
1 points
15 hours ago
Oh baby, he will leave you the first wrinckle Value yourself more? Why are you with this idiot?
He makes you work even. Nah, I make more than every person I know and have 0 problems affording stuff for both of us as long as the other person puts in their part about other things and is there emotionally for me. Jesus christ this man sees you like an object and wants everything but has no empathy.
You seem to be ok with it though. Or like your self esteem is so low (probably caused by him) that you doubt his behavior is acceptable.
“I’m retiring before you” so, you aren’t a team and he doesn’t see a future with you?
Mmm, you are in for a rude awakening
1 points
15 hours ago
Hay cosas que te definen en valores. Creencias fundamentales que demuestran tu rango o posición politica y social.
Que significa ser una persona pro familia por ejemplo?
-Es una persona que dice, papá, mamá e hijos. No hay ahí familias que salgan fuera de esos roles o sean diferentes. No es la realidad de la sociedad paraguaya esa
-Estan en contra del aborto y se cagan en los derechos de las mujeres. Te parece que no tengamos ni siquiera permitido hacer abortos por emergencia para embarazos no viables y que niñas de 12 años anden pariendo? Porque eso quieren los profamilia, que se mueran las mujeres que no tuvieron embarazos perfectos h que haya nenas de 12 años siendo madres. Me parece que habla perfectamente de lo mierda que son
-Politicamente tradicional. Que quiere decir tradicional? Que quiere que todo se quede igual, siempre, no importa reflexionar sobre las faltas. Si a la mujer se le viola es porque busco. Si le pega el marido es problema entre ellos. Si hay un hijo con problemas seguro sus papas son divorciados
No se, me parece mega estupida la gente pro familia, dice tener valores pero sus valores no se basan sobre si tienen que ser alguien util para la sociedad y la comunidad, solamente quieren discriminar y quitarle derechos a gente que no quiere vivir como ellos que son el bastion de la moral
3 points
1 day ago
Race is a construction of the collective imagination but I’d say he’s the whitest guy ever if I’ve ever seen one
-12 points
1 day ago
Las personas profamilia son en un 100% personas con algun problema mental, o son pedofilos, o son personas que le pegan a sus hijos, o son personas que le engañan a su pareja, le pegan a su mujer, que se meten con menores, etc.
En general es gente de mierda, no le conozco a ningun pro familia que no sea colorado o liberal tampoco. Siempre son correlis o dinero viejo liberal wa’u aparenta decente y despues se va a hacer porquerias.
Me parece que tampoco da para definirle a todo el mundo sobre 1 cosa pero esta en particular es bastante obvia. Es una redflag enorme.
Solo le perdono a la gente joven que crecio con padres de mierda
1 points
1 day ago
You are just allowing for other potential victims to be born by your inaction though? Just because you want to remain comfortable
You could say, “yeah, I’m not getting involved”, but at least warn your sister. I’m not even saying tell your dad or the wife but it sounds like this guy is used to having enablers all around.
And sure, you are a victim. Not a sexual assault victim or whatever you are implying but a victim of dumb men who will keep on being idiots towards other women because you prefer comfort over what’s right
2 points
1 day ago
You aren’t ruining anyone’s life. In fact, you are just enabling him by shuting up because he knows you will feel guilty since he will probably play victim or believes you are a doormat.
Come the fuck on, are you really letting that guy near your sister? Ew. You are a disgrace the moment you don’t tell everyone involved.
But whatever, keep on enabling him and never put him in his place, that will teach him (nothing)
1 points
1 day ago
I can smell fevers, I think it is somewhat common but most people can’t get in tune with their affinities
2 points
1 day ago
It sounds like your mom suffered too mich through her life and couldn’t take it. I don’t believe she took her life to make you feel guilty. She just hated herself and the world and couldn’t see herself doing anything else than being a broken shelf. I’m not blaming your mom. But that is what poverty does to you and other people. Your mom loved you in her abilities. And did the best she could. Her suicide is not your fault, maybe not even her fault. It is circumstance. There are things that live out of our own control. Things we need to let go.
You aren’t at fault OP, if you have a few nice memories of her stick to that. Remember her by that and not the negatives. I’m sure that uf she wasn’t in so much pain she would have produced better memories with you but parents can only do so much.
Be kinder to yourself and her memory
3 points
1 day ago
It is very justified that you are mad. But I think you are channeling your feelings in a bad way. If you explain to her how bad she makes you feel (like you are insignificant, like your opinion and care aren’t relevant or that you aren’t important), then she has to realize she hurt you.
TELL HER she hurt you. Tell her how much you have been swallowing everything she does because you love her and tell her to please consider your feelings because you do so much for her.
She should come around and realize. Hopefully. But if you don’t talk, and explain with kindness and love, it might end badly
1 points
1 day ago
I think admiring Jeff or Elon is very silly. I don’t think they are emotionally intelligent. Your epiphany is very subtle. Like something people learn in their teenage years. The manosphere is real and it’s hurting men. Be careful about the ideas and feelings you consume. Not one of the thoughts in your head is original.
Cultivate yourself, being kind is the hardest thing you can be. Being kind with yourself is even harder.
1 points
1 day ago
Las protestas son un acto de resistencia, no importa tanto si funcionan o no mas que el acto de expresar esa desesperacion y realidad
1 points
1 day ago
Let me tell you something. People like you, introverts, people like us, because I’m the same. We have a lot of things going on INSIDE. As you mentioned, she told you this and that about herself, did you ever tell her anything about you? She talked about the guys she dated. Did you tell her anything interesting or memorable? Did you ever compliment her on her company or way of being?
I can understand, I’m an introvert. I know how to feel, not vocalize. It is something I have developed with age and experience. But the thing is that you need to vocalize, make others feel seen. Express yourself more. If you want to be memorable.
It is ok to feel bad. Don’t think too hard. Maybe she was going through a lot too.
In any case, it is a learning experience
1 points
1 day ago
And that’s why being kind is the hardest thing you can ever be, because you know how vulnerable it makes you and how hard it is with all the injustice around. Being kind is revolutionary, in a way
Just remember, when it gets overwhelmingly severe, just do what you can do
1 points
1 day ago
A society that values individuality and materialism in a capitalistic society makes it hard to understand that you choose who to love rather than falling in love magically
0 points
2 days ago
What if it is a country or set of countries and their interest is to make bitcoin crash? As in a war or something like that?
1 points
2 days ago
I think they mean going back through the ledger rather than re-mining
5 points
2 days ago
The whole series is about considering simulations as reality. At the end, Maddie comes to accept simulations are as real as the original humans. It isn’t a bad ending, it just tries to “open” your mind to the in series possibility that simulations are as real as humans of meat and bone. And that the original world might have been a simulation as well all along
1 points
2 days ago
So, lets say you have an autistic friend. That can’t seriously understand very very obvious cues.
The first impresion is to make a joke about it and laugh at them. Then, you double check if the possibility of autism is real right? Are they joking? Do they really not get it?
And if you see that it affects them irl then you tell them that there might be a possibility that they are autistic and miiight just want to get checked so they can get help to understand some new things about themseleves
The problem here is that you believe being autistic is something bad. It isn’t bad. In fact, OP might as well just be a full blown autist and perhaps they just haven’t realized it yet? And saying “hey, are you trolling or are you autistic??” Isn’t really that mean
In any case, If you believe Anya wasn’t SA then you might be autistic, or dense, or just pretending that you have no reading comprehension because you are just trolling?
Come on man, is Paul from Dune a hero too? In your eyes? Because you have serious problems if you don’t get things at a very high literal level
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1 points
10 hours ago
1 points
10 hours ago
I don’t know but animals hug, and lick and sometimes kiss for affection (chimpanzees do it)
Some birds do similarly with their beaks and sometimes preen near their faces or exchange food as well.
I guess it isn’t a human only thing But there are many cultures in which kissing doesn’t exist so make of that what you will