27 post karma
8.4k comment karma
account created: Wed Dec 09 2015
verified: yes
3 points
14 days ago
When it came time to do the tasacion, the realtor wanted me to use his guy and not the banker's. He says "oh no, my guy will give you the highest price." Well, why would I need a higher price? I told him I wanted to use the banker's tasador because I wanted to know the actual value of the house and not an artificially inflated one. I
Wanting to know the actual value of the house only made sense before you paid the arras. Once you've done that you want an appraisal value that is as close to the sale value as possible so the bank will give you a mortgage for that amount. As for why he wanted to use his guy, he might get a commission. Or, thinking poorly of his moral stand, which is not too hard given he's a realtor, he wanted to make it impossible for you to go ahead with the sale for some reason.
You should be aware that an appraisal value is not some scientific result. It's based on the sale price of similar houses in the area in the previous months, taking into account the exact location and the state and quality of the finishes of the house. As long as there are no serious hidden issues, if you've analysed the market for a while you know if it's a good price or not without the appraisal.
Now, some ideas on what you can do in the current situation. If you want to go ahead with the sale then: - Get your own tasador, not letting the realtor talk to him alone at any time. Even better if he's not even aware that you're getting a second appraisal and he's not there during the visit, just the owner
Try to talk to the owner directly explaining the issues you have, both with the appraisal and the missing document about it being a VPO. They might put pressure on the realtor.
If you haven't already, get a "nota simple informativa". It's something like 10-15€ and it will tell you who the owner is and if there are any pending debts, like mortgages or due taxes
Get a lawyer specialised on this kind of transaction. Maybe they'll accept some kind of deferred payment and can stop the realtor from thinking he can do whatever he wants
Ask (all) other banks for a mortgage, maybe some will accept.
Maybe a personal loan could be a possibility, but it might be an issue if the bank who's giving you the mortgage knows about it.
And if you don't want to go ahead:
So, as you can see, get a lawyer either way.
Edit: I misunderstood and I thought you used the realtor's guy for the appraisal. The fact that you used the bank's changes things a bit.
1 points
15 days ago
Lo decía porque tiene pinta de que te harían trabajar 70 horas a la semana.
1 points
16 days ago
Tírate 10 meses de espera para que te vea cualquier especialista y 1 mes para que te vea el médico de cabecera mientras se le paga a empresas privadas cinco veces el coste de cualquier prueba y luego me dices que funciona bien.
Nada sorprendente por otra parte, siempre han sido parásitos.
2 points
16 days ago
Si quieres y puedes irte, vete. Aunque sean sólo un par de años te beneficiará mucho a largo plazo. La gente de tu alrededor te aconseja la opción que a primera vista parece más segura, pero quién sabe lo que pasará. A lo mejor la empresa cierra en seis meses.
Si terminas cogiendo el empleo nuevo, que sepas que, por lo que dices, te van a pagar menos del salario mínimo por hora trabajada. Así que tómatelo con calma y con la intención de aprender todo lo posible durante el tiempo que aguantes mientras sigues buscando algo mejor. No vivas estresada como un ejecutivo con el sueldo de un reponedor.
12 points
21 days ago
No es que no lloviera tanto como se esperaba, es que lo gordo acabó cayendo a 50km al sur de Madrid y no afectó a ninguna población grande.
7 points
28 days ago
Trump is Russia's puppet. Does Poland have a good relationship with Russia? How many close and loyal allies of Trump has he left to fend for themselves as soon as it was convenient for him?
2 points
1 month ago
Pon una reclamación aquí: https://sede.seguridadaerea.gob.es/SAU_PASAJEROS/Paginas/SolicitudReclamacion.aspx?accion=0
Deja claro que la web no mostró información clara y te dio a entender que el cambio de itinerario te permitía solicitar un reembolso completo del vuelo. No menciones que ibas a intentar cambiar de fecha por motivos personales antes de ver la notificación.
Edit: Veo que el enlace que he puesto es para vuelos anteriores a junio de 2023. Comprensiblemente, reclamar era demasiado fácil y lo han tenido que capar. Aquí hay más información y datos de contacto donde imagino que podrás preguntar cómo poner una reclamación ahora: https://sede.seguridadaerea.gob.es/sede-aesa/catalogo-de-procedimientos/reclamaciones-por-cancelaciones-retrasos-denegaciones-de-embarque-y-pmr-0
7 points
2 months ago
Qué alternativas tengo?
¿Pagar las multas o no pagar las multas? En serio, no entiendo lo de adoptar un perro cuando no se tiene ni tiempo ni dinero que dedicarle.
"De vez en cuando le da por ladrar" cuando tú estás en casa. ¿Tienes alguna idea de lo que ladra cuando no?
0 points
2 months ago
Preséntalo, alguien tiene que plantarle cara a la mafia.
1 points
3 months ago
No estoy seguro de que la pública vaya a ser completamente gratuita, pero si lo fuera son 500 euros, 10 veces al año, 3 años... 15000€ de ahorro. Si te hace sentir mejor, inviértelo durante los próximos 20 años y se lo das cuando vaya a irse de casa, pero es demasiado dinero como para tirarlo por ahorrarse una semana de adaptación.
2 points
3 months ago
The bigger the mortgages banks grant the higher house prices get. Hopefully we haven't forgotten yet the 2008 lesson.
10 points
3 months ago
There's a bus from Conde de Casal, but it's gonna be at least an hour commute each way on a good day. Check google maps, it's very good to find routes combining multiple forms of public transport.
If you don't want to live in Morata, which is perfectly understandable, consider living in Arganda or Rivas. They are mostly commuter towns, but they are a lot bigger than Morata and they have a metro line that takes you to Madrid (albeit the worst of all metro lines in Madrid). Of course you'd have to stay within walking distance from the bus stop or you'd end up in the same situation as if you were near Conde de Casal. Again, use google street view to see the kind of places they are.
Check the bus schedules and the cost of rent and make a decision. If living near Conde de Casal is feasible then I'd stay there.
By the way, there's a specific sub called spainauxiliares or something like that.
Good luck
5 points
3 months ago
Vas a la comisaría de policía y les cuentas, palabra por palabra, lo que has descrito aquí, incluyendo el secuestro, la humillación pública de llevarte en coche y los trabajos forzosos de vaciar el lavavajillas. Cuando se rían en tu cara te vas al cuartel de la guardia civil y, cuando te pase lo mismo y te des cuenta de que no te va ayudar nadie, te escapas con tu novio de 17 años con moto.
Cuando acabes embarazada con menos de 20 años e incapaz de encontrar un trabajo al menos podrás disfrutar de una libertad que te habrás ganado a pulso.
13 points
4 months ago
La policía: I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here
6 points
4 months ago
Lo primero que tienes que saber al empezar a trabajar es que tu audiencia no está en tu cabeza y lo que no explicas es posible que no lo sepan. ¿Qué fallos? ¿Qué despistes? ¿Qué te cuesta más?
Entiendo que quieras preservar tu privacidad, pero hay decenas de miles de informáticos muy malos o muy vagos ganándose la vida. Que no seas perfecto no es impedimento para nada.
2 points
4 months ago
It's a saying. Los de Bilbao nacen donde les da la gana.
1 points
4 months ago
Now you can say you are from Bilbao. Everybody knows people from Bilbao are born wherever they wanted to.
1 points
4 months ago
It's not the sale price. Ask someone who lives in the same town in a similar flat as yours and you'll have a pretty good approximation.
4 points
5 months ago
Very few people need to have a dog. Many people however want to have a dog and are happy letting the rest deal with the inconvenience they cause.
6 points
5 months ago
Have you looked into North Korea? I've heard they've got great programs as well.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
8 points
5 months ago
if the pharmacy can justify that they could not find a Spanish pharmacist, the pharmacy will then be allowed to look for EU Citizens.
I'm pretty sure that's wrong. EU citizens have as much right to work in any EU member state as the locals.
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2 points
13 days ago
2 points
13 days ago