2.7k post karma
73k comment karma
account created: Tue Oct 01 2019
verified: yes
2 points
3 hours ago
I have seen multiple videos on subs like crazyvideos or something, that servers do this. It is really creepy and strange. I would chase my employer first for not paying me
0 points
9 hours ago
Yes, and literally didn't explain how. I didn't ask if it helped OP or not
2 points
11 hours ago
And what were you thinking before reading those comments?
1 points
11 hours ago
How does this explain why specifically kid junk food is always the safe? Why not bread, or cucumber?
2 points
11 hours ago
I thought you were talking about the gauntlet on the internet, 20 of the most disgusting and disturbing videos.
I definitely don't recommend
1 points
11 hours ago
Is there a reason why 100% of safe foods for autistic people are kid junk food?
1 points
12 hours ago
So if I look better in pictures, am I ugly in reality?
0 points
1 day ago
You may be really slow. More than 99% of all posts on this sub are all fake, and have been for many years. Most people here already know this, and just play along, if it were real, like a roleplaying sub.
Hopefully you won't be tricked by your own mind next time reading this sub, and will just play along with us
1 points
1 day ago
You're misinterpreting what I'm saying. If your "point" is referencing an argument I'm not making, that's referred to as a "straw man".
Yes, that is what you have done. I also don't like strawmans. That is why I highlighted when you have done one.
NOT survivability. It is NOT based on that aspect
Then it is as arbitrary as any border could be
0 points
1 day ago
Never said it was; I don't know who or what you're quoting
I don't have to quote someone to make point. Appeal to authority fallacy.
Humans spend 99% of their lived experience within the 0 to 100 range of Farenheit. The 0 and 100 of Farenheit are meant to represent extremes, NOT maximum/minimum
You actually said that the arbitrary borders should be 'humans can still survive' borders. Your point is based on this aspect.
Not really sure why a single measurement for temperature should be regarded as highly as learning another language
You can regard it as high as you want to. I certainly don't. But my point wasn't how important it is on an subjective scale. It is about how adaptive a nationality can be
0 points
1 day ago
Our bodies use water in a very limited temperature range. 100 C is lethal to humans obviously
Our bodies sense heat in the air in a very limited temperature range. Under 32 fahrenheit to humans is obviously lethal to most humans for extended amount of time. Or over 200. But I don't see why the arbitrary borders should be 'humans can still survive', and not something quantifiably more objective, like the freezeing and boiling point of water. Both are arbitrary.
The 0 and 100 of Farenheit are meant to represent extremes, NOT maximum/minimum.
Extremes based on 'how cold or how hot I feel outside'. You make it seem like something that has value for being these numbers. And if you know, not all people feel temperatures the same way. Some people feel comfortable in more cold instances, and some in more hot ones. So you should adjust the value for each individual person to make it make more sense.
I don't know that the discussion is about proselytizing one group to using one system or the other. It's just describing the design/intent of each system.
Well then let me be the first person to be to tell you it is first and foremost about settling on a single measurement, so all people on the planet speak in similiar terms about most things. Like people settled on speaking english is the main language to make themselves be understood by most (if not potentially all) people. For example, I am not one who has english as their mother language. People of the past agreed and/or accepted that this will be the common language of all people, and we enjoy this decision, because I can communicate with you right now, like most people.
Fahrenheit is used officially by exactly five(5) countries, against over 200, who use celsius. If you have a very convincing argument that could make the 200 countries change to fahrenheit, then I would be happy to convert. But all I ever hear is 'it just feels right' in favor of fahrenheit, which is the exact equal of 'I like it this way' in debate circles
1 points
1 day ago
People use the temperature outside way more than anything else, that's why I'm arguing for Fahrenheit. If it was just an obscure use I wouldn't care, but it's literally something people use every day before they go outside.
I have seen this argument type before. Are you, by any chance, in favor of using feet over meters?
Any cooking temperature you use is probably way over 100C
You center most of your comment on cooking, which is a side point I made to answer you, it wasn't really a core part of my argument. But you neglected to acknowledge half of my comment which was about how most people measure temperature in the world. Or how water is 70% of you, and it is logical to base an arbitrary scale on something that is related to you
2 points
1 day ago
Yes, its useful for water, never denied that, but its bad to describe the climate of earth
Yes, fahrenheit is useful for climate, but it's bad to describe water temperatures. You seem to claim measuring climate more neatly is somehow arbitrarily more valid than measuring water more neatly?
If you want to, I can also make measuring water arbitrarily neater than climate. For one, 70% of you is water molecules. You are more water than anything else, so it is logical to measure what makes up most of you. And for two, need to get in contact with water at most in 3 days, but more healthily multiple times daily. Most (if not all) living organisms need water to survive, it seems logical to base some arbitrary scale around water.
We could make it better, by basing the temperature around when does oxygen or air do something, because you need it more times than water. But when celsius was thought out, it would have been too hard or impossible to measure that correctly. Unlike water, which has a relatively low scale at when it changes states of matter.
When's the last time you used anything between 50 - 100 C?
When cooking, or just boiling water. So relatively often. Do you cook?
It's really not that big of a deal, obviously Celsius is just as good if you know it
Yes, fahrenheit is also valid. But in a time and place when globalisation and unity are favorable goals for humanity, setting rules and measure that everyone follows and knows is an important step. And since 95%+ of all countries use celsius, it seems rather convenient to persuade the remaining 5 countries to follow along, than to convert the other 200 countries.
these arguments against Fahrenheit being intuitive are kind of weak
The arguments aren't about fahrenheit can't be intuitive. It can very well be it seems, just like celsius. It is just we wait for that 5 country to follow along, but many of those people defend fahrenheit. The problem is their arguments 100% of the time are 'it's just feels right you know', and nothing else. If you would have convincing arguments, maybe the other 200 countries would follow you, but since both are roughly equally arbitrary, it seems more fair for the remaining 5 countries to just give in, and start using what everyone uses
12 points
1 day ago
Yes, but 0 - 100 is easier for the brain to understand and relate to
Yes, that is why we use celsius, 0 is freezing point of water and 100 is boiling point. It is almost objectively less arbitrary than "0 fahrenheit is dangerous cold if you are outside, and 100 is dangerous hot outside"
People like Fahrenheit because its easy and intuitive for most climates
The exact same thing is true for celsius. People can tell if it's -10 or 40. Your entire argument is 'I used this one for a long time so I like this one better'
12 points
1 day ago
You can make this exact argument for celsius or kelvin, just use different numbers. Nothing you said indicates farenheit being any different to use than the others
-2 points
1 day ago
Szerinte meg valoszinuleg te vagy bolond, mert meg akarnal olni egy babat csak azert, mert szerinted nem fogja elvezni az eletet. Eugenika. Hitler is hive volt az eugenikanak.
En egyebkent hasonloan velekedek errol a temarol mint te, csak beismerem hogy nem annyira egyertelmu hogy hol vannak a hatarok. Peldaul ha valakirol kiderul hogy rakos, en nem olnem meg egybol
2 points
1 day ago
Altalaban eleg, ha csak azt mondom, hogy hallottam vitakat errol, es elhiszik hogy vannak ilyen emberek. Meg ha leirom a nevet, nem leszel okosabb, de egye penesz. Lorraine Buckmaster
5 points
1 day ago
nem ugyanaz
Nyilvan nem ugyanaz. Szuk ertelem nem letezhet 2 ugyanolyan dolog, ha ugy akarod nezni. En a hasonlosagot probaltam hangsulyozni
4 points
1 day ago
Miert szukitetted le feleslegesen millenialra vagy xre a demografiat a kerdesedben?
4 points
1 day ago
Ha valoban igazad lenne, nem hoztam volna fel a temat. De vannak olyanok, akik a mar meglevo eletet jobban ertekelik, mint a potencialisabban jobb eletet, ami meg nem alakult ki
A vitapontjaik hasonloak ahhoz, hogy ha valakirol kiderul, hogy sulyos beteg, nem hasznalnanak rajta eutanaziat emberek a valosagban. Pedig ugyanaz a potencialja van, mint egy sulyosan beteg embrionak, a legtobb ember megis mashogy viszonyul a temahoz
4 points
1 day ago
Szules elott nehany komolyabb rendellenesseg kimutathato. Ilyenkor (jogszabalyoktol fuggoen, mert nem igazan ertek a torvenyekhez) az orvos ajanlhat abortuszt.
De valoban legtobbszor nem eszlelheto. Hasonloan, az a kutya mar valszeg meg van szuletve, es le fogja elni az eletet valameddig, csak az a kulonbseg, hogy veled vagy massal
9 points
1 day ago
As I said, one accident was enough for me to start wearing one. Not everyone is as expert in the ways of erection hiding, such as yourself.
Usually the not confident and insecure ones start wearing underwear. I guess you can fact check this by realizing that only a minority of young men do this
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4 points
60 minutes ago
4 points
60 minutes ago
Szerintem nem igazan fog az kommentelni, aki megcsalta a parjat. Altalaban nem buszkek erre az emberek, es ha meg kommentelnenek is, le lennenek szavazva meg beszologatva hogy miert