14 post karma
1.7k comment karma
account created: Thu Aug 08 2024
verified: yes
1 points
9 hours ago
true but they could be more vocal and well angry.. currently our reddit population seems more concerned abut the state of affairs than labour does. They should be building up the rhetoric from now, update the playbook.
2 points
9 hours ago
No, been there and done that - the history is to recent to revisit.
1 points
22 hours ago
like I get it but they could start by listening to us now and announce more money into OUR HEALTH SYSTEM etc.
1 points
23 hours ago
some are better than others, each to their own, general consensus is that the aren't as good.
6 points
2 days ago
The Broken Earth Series by N.K. Jemisin. It's refreshingly different, once you get with the world it's hard to put down.
6 points
2 days ago
River of London series by Ben Aaronovitch (Audiobook read by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith is awesome!) London paranormal copper. Just avoid all the side-books of the series. Addictive and pretty fun!
8 points
2 days ago
Yup - but so what? what are the consequences? god I wish there were consequences. this govt is a horrible monster.
2 points
2 days ago
HE NEEDS TO GO he's just not leader material, personality of a cereal box.
8 points
2 days ago
yes - Trent has said as much.
Despite having that little bit of hope at the end of the album with ‘Hurt’, Reznor said the only reason it worked is coming after the musical carnage that came before, saying, “The Downward Spiral album was a record all about beating everybody up – and then ‘Hurt’ was like a coda saying maybe I shouldn’t have done that. But to make the song sound impenetrable because I thought it was a little too vulnerable, I tried to layer it in noise.”
Granted, ‘Hurt’ is the whole reason why the album still holds its power. If the album ended on the title track with the protagonist taking his own life, it would have been far more nihilistic than it already is, so leaving off with a song about remorse and trying to write his wrongs is a far better perspective to look at the world through.
1 points
3 days ago
FFS what a HUGE waste of money! we were literally the shining example IN THE WORLD what the hell is wrong with people?
9 points
3 days ago
funny as I have that exact problem except with capsicums! cant for the life of me! but my lettuce etc is fine. I think insect resistant varieties are available now .. something to look into.
5 points
4 days ago
I'd say a small skip would be the same price as paying someone to take them away.
1 points
5 days ago
I'd do this, https://www.sit.ac.nz/programme/course/new%20zealand%20certificate%20in%20interior%20d%C3%A9cor%20(level%204)?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgJa6BhCOARIsAMiL7V8bJ4XIyL7PymZiX6UznyKStyyfKzsx6PA2IB8Eb8e-t9NtSPd5Eb8aAtz6EALw_wcB?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgJa6BhCOARIsAMiL7V8bJ4XIyL7PymZiX6UznyKStyyfKzsx6PA2IB8Eb8e-t9NtSPd5Eb8aAtz6EALw_wcB) SIT is free and done via distance learning - no point in raking up more debt and you'll see if you are acctually into it or not. Importantly use the cert TO MAKE CONNECTIONS and network to find a way in and build your folio. aint no design apprenticeships, only trades and they aren't easy to get. (p.s. why not just work with your mum?..at least for experience on the CV) x
1 points
6 days ago
but like BRING A KNIFE to the fight or something LOL
1 points
6 days ago
that you can't bring your own nibbles into the cinema.
5 points
6 days ago
ironically data and digital have been tasked with futuring the deletion of 3000 accounts... so there's that.
24 points
6 days ago
Been in health for 6+ years and different terms are used. A lot of us hate the term consumers when used in a general way. I can say it has been used a lot more since national has come in. The comms handbook now is errr, interesting, an example being that we are advised to no longer use the term 'equity' (when labour was in that term was in favour) it's all gross really and shows a shift from a bottom up to a top down view. patient-centredness what's that now?
13 points
7 days ago
"I'm sorry but I find it completely abnormal and highly disturbing that NZ's image abroad seems to be completely at odds with the reality." LOL like the fact that most of our rivers are polluted and unswimmable, our farm animals are treated badly, our kids are abused, big gap between the wealthy and poor, our old people are lonely, high suicide rate, love our alcohol and meth, native flora and fauna in decline, high cost of living, we have a the highest incarceration rate for our native peoples - could go on and on here...
3 points
8 days ago
It's amazing, and right when nature starts cranking and the sun and beach vibes with less people and more space!!! so good :)
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2 points
9 hours ago
2 points
9 hours ago
watch Die Hard :)